Regional Prosperity Framework (2021-2041)
The City of Edinburgh Council is hosting this consultation on behalf of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland region.
The Edinburgh and South East Scotland (ESES) region has developed a Regional Prosperity Framework, which outlines our collective early thoughts on the challenges and opportunities facing Edinburgh and South East Scotland in the years ahead. It makes suggestions on the most appropriate focus of effort to maximise our impact and benefits for those who live and work in this region.
We are seeking the views and expertise from anyone with an interest in the region’s future. Your responses will be used to assist the Regional Partners to shape a final version of the Framework, with the intention of having this in place later in 2021.
You can give us your views using the online survey below. Alternatively, you can either email your comments or post your response to: Aleks Bogacz, Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal, Waverley Court (Area 2.1), 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh, EH8 8BG.
We're also hosting an interactive online engagement session on Thursday 22 July from 6pm until 7pm. Click here to join the meeting
What happens next
The consultation has now closed.
If you would like to provide feedback and comment on the draft Regional Prosperity Framework please contact
- All Areas
- Anyone from any background
- Economic development
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