Equality Outcomes - our priorities

Closes 1 Jun 2025

Opened 10 Mar 2025


Protected Characteristics

The Equality Act 2010 protects everyone. You cannot discriminate or harass someone based on a protected characteristic. We all have more than one of the nine protected characteristics.

Our Equality Outcomes

We want everyone to feel welcome in Edinburgh, whether they live, work, study, or visit here. Every four years, the Council publishes equality outcomes that set out the work we will do to tackle inequalities in the city and make improvements to our services. 

Equality outcomes are part of our Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Framework that outlines all the Council’s efforts to address inequality in the city.

We want to base our next framework and equality outcomes for 2026-2030 on research and what people tell us.

Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership

In Edinburgh, the Council and NHS Lothian work together. They provide community health and social care services for adults. They aim to promote good health and wellbeing. The Edinburgh Integration Joint Board (EIJB) directs this work. The EIJB have their own Equality Outcomes for 2024-28

You can find out more information about the EIJB by visiting their website.

Why your views matter

Recently, the Council spoke with groups that support different people in the city and they told us about the equality issues affecting communities. 

These issues affect areas of day-to-day life for everyone. This includes access to Council services that help people with employment, housing, personal safety and the democratic process. 

We now want to hear about your experiences to help us set our future equality outcomes and framework. 

Your feedback can show us how to improve services. We want to make sure everyone can access and engage with us, no matter their needs.

Need a different language or format

Our Interpretation and Translation Service can help if you need this survey in a different language, braille or large print. Please email them at its@edinburgh.gov.uk.

Other formats

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Give us your views



  • All Edinburgh


  • Anyone from any background


  • Policies, plans and strategies