Equality Outcomes - our priorities

Closes 1 Jun 2025

Justice and personal safety


The Council offers a wide range of integrated services that are leading the way in changes to trauma support, including:

  • Willow Service that aims to promote wellbeing and prevent and reduce offending for women
  • Caledonian System an integrated domestic abuse intervention service for men, women and children affected by the abuse
  • Survive and Thrive who offer trauma intervention to help women and men who have experienced trauma find safety and stabilisation
  • Moving Forward: Making Changes (MF:MC) who work with people convicted of sexual offences

Our services also support people, including victims and witnesses of crime, to make sure they get help information and support at the right time. 

We want to understand if these services have met your needs in the past year.

25. Have you used, or tried to use, any of our justice services in the last year?

If yes, how would you rate the service you received?

26. In your experience, has anything limited you from accessing justice services?
27. What could we do to improve justice services to meet your needs?