Equality Outcomes - our priorities

Closes 1 Jun 2025

Communicating with the Council


The Council delivers a vast range of services and has thousands of employees helping to provide these to people living, working and studying across Edinburgh.

Council employees communicate with people day to day in several ways e.g. face to face, phone, email, letters, committee reports, strategic documents, websites and social media.

We try to make sure that our communication is as accessible and inclusive as possible and would like to understand your experience of communicating with us in the past year.

34. Thinking about the different ways you can contact the Council, which is your preferred method?
35. The Council has an Interpretation and Translation Service which offers help to use our services if you:
  • cannot speak English
  • have problems understanding English
  • have a sight or hearing loss

How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following support services provided?

36. What was your most recent contact with the council?
37. Thinking about your most recent contact, how far would you agree or disagree with the following statements? 
38. Please tell us how the Council could improve the way it communicates to meet your needs.