Overprovision of Licensed Premises

Closed 13 May 2024

Opened 21 Mar 2024


The Licensing Board is carrying out an assessment of whether there is overprovision of licensed premises (in relation to the sale of alcohol) in the City of Edinburgh Council area.

The Board is keen to hear your views on overprovision of licensed premises including types of premises, size and capacity of premises, and hours of operation within Edinburgh and its localities.  They would like as many views as possible and will review every response received.

Why your views matter

Your feedback, along with other evidence, will be used to make an assessment of overprovision in Edinburgh and its localities.  

This consultation will help inform the Board on whether there are any localities in Edinburgh which may have overprovision (too many licensed premises in that area).  There will be an opportunity to comment on the draft assessment before a final decision is made.  The finalised assessment will become part of the Licensing Policy and will help the Board make decisions about licence applications, and give potential applicants information about how the Board is likely to approach licence applications. 

The Board will consider evidence in relation to the five statutory licensing objectives:

  • Preventing crime and disorder
  • Securing public safety
  • Preventing public nuisance
  • Protecting and improving public health
  • Protecting children and young persons from harm

Please give us your views by clicking on the link below.  There are a few documents you might want to look at before giving your views:

If you would prefer to provide your views by email please contact gerry.mays@edinburgh.gov.uk.

Need a different language or format?

Please email the Interpretation and Translation Service at its@edinburgh.gov.uk quoting the following reference numbers:

  • Give us your views - online survey - reference number 24-9700
  • Statement of Licensing Policy - reference number 24-9701
  • Licensed premises in the Board’s area - reference number 24-9702


  • All Edinburgh


  • Anyone from any background


  • Licences and permits