Edinburgh Future Libraries Strategy Consultation

Closes 18 Dec 2024

Privacy Statement

This questionnaire provides an opportunity at the end to include an email address. Providing this is optional and an explanation of the purpose is included at that section.

Upon completion, all information will be stored securely for the duration of any agreed strategy (2029) which complies with the City of Edinburgh Council's Data Retention Schedule for this activity.

The responses gathered will be used to inform the development of the City of Edinburgh Council Library Service Draft Service Strategy 2024 - 2029 and any options to support service change.  No personal data (email address) will be shared with other Council departments or external third parties and will only be used for the reasons set out at that section of this questionnaire.

This questionnaire provides opportunities for free text responses. Please do not provide any personal information such as name or address.

Upon completion, you will be provided with a unique response ID – this can be matched back to your individual survey response should you wish to query or clarify anything at a later date. This also requires an email address and again, this is optional.

1. Please confirm that you have read the privacy statement above.