Implementing our British Sign Language Plan 2024-30

Closes 24 Dec 2024

Theme 2: Children, Young People and their Families

Our aim is for every child who uses BSL to reach their full potential.

Our actions extend to include all children with a hearing impairment and those who are deafblind as well as BSL using children and young people. The actions include mainstream and special education. We are committed to creating an inclusive and supportive environment for all learners, and we will continue to work towards this goal.

For each of the actions below, we've set milestones and highlighted any resource issues. We've also identified who will lead on delivering the action.

Read about the actions we're proposing for this theme


Milestones with dates 

Phase 1: 2024-2026 

Resource implications 

Lead Service Area; Lead Officer 

1. Strengthen partnerships with NHS colleagues in audiology and speech and language therapy to ensure that deaf and deafblind children are identified early and the GIRFEC framework is used to assess and access the information and support they require.   

By March 2025: a multi-agency pathway will be in place with NHS colleagues for the early identification of deaf and deafblind children and for their education support needs to be assessed using GIRFEC framework   


Within existing resources 

Head of Education (Inclusion)  


By March 2025: partnerships will be in place with national organisations such as the National Deaf Children’s Society and Deaf Action to strengthen pathways and support for deaf and deafblind children and their families   

Within existing resources 


Head of Education (Inclusion) 

2. Develop the support and resources available to parents of deaf and deafblind children including those who use BSL.  

a) By December 2024: Completed audit of needs and existing resources and support available to parents deaf and deafblind children to identify gaps in provision    

b) By March 2025:  Extend options to support the parents of BSL using children and young people so that they can develop sufficient BSL to support their child. 

c) By December 2025: Completed review of provision of support for parents who are BSL users to ensure they have the same opportunities as other parents to be fully involved in their child’s education.  

Working Group to determine


Head of Education (Inclusion) 


d) By March 2025: A multi-agency pathway will be in place to provide post diagnosis follow up for deaf and deafblind children and their families which will include ongoing support and resources to develop their BSL skills.   

Working Group to determine 

Head of Education (Inclusion) 


e) By March 2025: All deaf and deafblind children and young people will have a Child’s Plan and annual review that details their hearing and communication needs and ensure all adults working with them understand their communication needs.  

Deaf Support Team – within existing resources  

Service Manager Deaf Support Team  


f) By March 2026: We will have increased promotion and awareness of other signed communication systems as well as BSL (i.e. SSE and Signalong) to ensure all children have access to language and communication systems which best meet their needs and preferences.   

Deaf Support Team – within existing resources  

Service Manager Deaf Support Team  

3. Ensure that staff are appropriately qualified, skilled and knowledgeable to support BSL users effectively 


a) By March 2025: Staff across the workforce will have access to appropriate professional learning opportunities so that they understand the needs of deaf and deafblind children and young people including BSL users. 

b) By March 2025: We will have developed and extended professional learning opportunities for staff across all sectors to increase awareness and knowledge of the strategies required to support deaf and deafblind children and their families.  

c) By March 2026: We will regularly promote the benefits of learning BSL to schools and offer training for staff and pupils to learn and become more confident in using sign language.   

d) By Dec 2024: We will have supported opportunities for education staff including early years staff to learn BSL up to the level of Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) Level 3. 

e) By March 2026: We will have increased deaf awareness, knowledge and skill in BSL in all schools among learners and staff, and promote awareness of the rich aspect of cultural heritage that BSL offers. 

f) By Dec 2024: We will have increased capacity, of the Deaf Support Team to meet the needs of deaf and deafblind children including those with additional complex needs.      

Deaf Support Team and Quality Improvement Team – within existing resources  

a) Head of Education (Inclusion)  

Service Manager Deaf Support Team  

Quality Improvement Officer 2+1  



4. Strengthen post school destinations for young people who are deaf, deafblind and users of BSL.   


a) By March 2025: We will have worked with Skills Development Scotland to strengthen and support the transition from school for BSL learners.

b) By December 2025: We will have established systems to gather data about deaf, deafblind and BSL users in post school destinations.   


Head of Education (Inclusion)    

Skills Development Scotland  

6. Do you think these are the right actions to take to address the theme, Children, young people and their families?
7. Please tell us if there is any other action that we should be taking to address this theme.