There are nine themes which frame the actions for the plan:
Theme 1: BSL Accessibility
BSL users will have access to the right information at the right time so that they can take full advantage of opportunities for learning, work and leisure, and get any help or advice that they need.
Theme 2: Children, young people and their families
Our aim is for every child who uses BSL to reach their full potential.
Theme 3: Access to employment
BSL users will fulfil their potential by having the support they need to progress in their chosen career.
Theme 4: Health and wellbeing
BSL users will have the relevant information and services they need to live active, healthy lives and to make informed choices.
Theme 5: Celebrating BSL culture
BSL will be recognised and celebrated as a language and a rich culture, and for BSL users to have full access to the cultural life of Edinburgh with equal opportunities to enjoy and contribute to culture and the arts.
Theme 6: Transport
BSL users will have safe, fair and inclusive access to public transport, and the systems that support transport across the city.
Theme 7: Access to justice
BSL users will have fair and equal access to the civil, criminal and juvenile justice systems in Scotland.
We would clarify that this would include BSL users as perpetrator, witness or victim.
Theme 8: Democratic participation
BSL users will be fully involved in democratic and public life in Edinburgh, as active and informed citizens, as voters, as elected politicians and as board members of our public bodies.
Theme 9: Delivering our BSL plan
We will collaborate with BSL users and partner organisations to deliver our plan effectively and make real improvements for BSL users in the city.