Licensing Board – Consultation on Gambling Policy

Closed 15 Dec 2021

Opened 3 Nov 2021


The Licensing Board is consulting on the terms of its Gambling Policy Statement.  The policy statement forms the basis upon which the Board considers applications for premises licences for venues such as betting shops, bingo halls, casinos, gaming machines in entertainment centres and pubs, and a range of other matters.

The policy does not cover matters which are the responsibility of the Gambling Commission and in addition the Licensing Board has a separate policy on alcohol licensing which does not form part of this consultation.

The Board invites comments on the terms of the current Gambling Policy Statement, having already agreed that it will be updated to take account of changes to guidance issued by the Gambling Commission.  Details are being sent out to a range of consultees by email.     

Why your views matter

The Board must ensure that it reviews its gambling policy at least every three years.  In doing so, it is important the Board is able to take account of the views of a range of potential consultees, including trade representatives, statutory consultees (police, etc) but also from the public.

The Board has not proposed any significant policy changes at this stage, partly due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic over the past 18 months.  This is therefore a relatively short consultation.  The Board welcomes comments from interested parties who have not otherwise been contacted by email.            

What happens next

The Board will consider the terms of responses received and decide upon the terms of its gambling policy for the next three years.  The Board will continue to review the policy during that period.

The policy will be published around the end of January 2022.


  • All Edinburgh


  • Anyone from any background


  • Licences and permits