Dumbiedykes and Pleasance Parking Survey

Closed 8 Jan 2017

Opened 20 Nov 2016


The aim of the consultation is to find out more about residents' concerns regarding parking in the Dumbiedykes and Pleasance areas.

Why your views matter

In May 2015 the private contractor pulled out of controlling the residential parking places around the Dumbiedykes and Pleasance areas.

Residents have told us that the uncontrolled arrangements are making it more difficult to park near their homes and there are also concerns regarding the impact that poor parking is having on road safety.

We want to find out more about your views on parking in your street and how well you feel the introduction of a Restricted Parking Zone will help to address your concerns.


  • Natural neighbourhood area - Dumbiedykes


  • Residents
  • Road users


  • Parking spaces