Developer Contributions Supplementary Guidance

Closes 17 Sep 2024

Part 2: Education


New homes will attract families and therefore there is often an increased demand for nursery and school places. The Council must make sure it fulfils its statutory duty to provide school education which includes early years, primary and secondary schools.

If the existing learning estate cannot accommodate the increase in demand generated from new development, then increasing the capacity of the learning estate may be required. This could include new schools/nurseries or the extension of existing facilities to support the additional pupil numbers such as additional classrooms, dining and gym facilities.

Table 11 in Part 4 of City Plan 2030 which can be found in the Fact Bank above lists the Education Infrastructure requirements.

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Education – introduction 

  1. Increasing the capacity of City of Edinburgh Council’s learning estate may be required where it is determined that new development is likely to generate demand for school places that cannot be accommodated within existing capacity.  The Council, as education authority, must fulfil its statutory duty as set out in Section 1(1) of the Education (Scotland) Act 1980, to “secure… adequate and efficient provision of school education”.  This includes provision for early years, primary and secondary stages of education including special educational needs and Gaelic medium.  

  1. City Plan 2030 policy Inf 3 Infrastructure Delivery and Developer Contributions sets out the provision for the Council to seek developer contributions for education infrastructure where necessary to mitigate any impact on demand for school places (either on an individual or cumulative basis), commensurate to scale of development. Criterion b) allows contribution towards education provision including new schools, early years nurseries, extensions of existing schools to accommodate additional classrooms and/or associated supporting spaces such as dining and gym facilities, taking into account opportunities to co-locate community services from Part 4, table 11. 

25. Is our explanation for the need and purpose of seeking Developer Contributions for Education Infrastructure clear?