Developer Contributions Supplementary Guidance

Closes 17 Sep 2024

New Proposed West Edinburgh Zone

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New Proposed West Edinburgh Zone (transport interventions) 

  1. City Plan’s vision for West Edinburgh is for it to become a vibrant, high-density, mixed-use extension to the city. City Plan’s Place 16 West Edinburgh sets out development principles for several new housing led sites: H61 Crosswinds, H62 Land adjacent to Edinburgh Gateway, H63 Edinburgh 205 and H60 Turnhouse Road; OPP59 Land at Turnhouse Road with a total housing potential of 11,146 units. Place 16 states that a cumulative Transport Contribution Zone will be applied to address the area wide transport interventions as identified through the City Plan Transport Appraisal and the West Edinburgh Transport Appraisal (WETA) / West Edinburgh Transport Improvement Programme (WETIP) package of measure identified to bring cross boundary and strategic improvements to public transport and active travel as well as WETA actions previously identified to enable development at West Edinburgh. These are individually identified in Part 4, Table 8 West Edinburgh Improvements in City Plan 2030. 

  1. West Edinburgh was a key area of focus for City Plan’s transport assessment, and Appendix C: Mitigation Measures present mode share estimation where the proposed mitigation measures situation is ‘high-quality active mode infrastructure introduced in an area where there is otherwise little provision’ and ‘high-quality public transport infrastructure and services introduced in an area where there is otherwise little provision’. 

  1. In total, there are 40 West Edinburgh Transport Improvements identified in Table 8 of City Plan that together mitigate the impact of the significant growth and development of a new urban quarter for the city. All development within the zone will benefit from these improvements and the transport appraisals have assessed the impacts based on these actions being delivered.  

  1. A number of these will be delivered through the WETIP programme of works (Broxburn to Maybury Public Transport and Active Travel Improvements) using identified funds from City Deal. Where these funds are committed, this guidance does not propose to seek developer contributions towards these specific actions. Revised Table 8 clarifies where developer contributions will not be required. 

  1. Several identified improvement proposals will be delivered as part of the development layout. The following are the proposals that require proportional contributions:  

  • WE6, WE10, WE14, WE15, WE16, WE17, WE19, WE20 and WE21 

  • City Plan Table 8 and the West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework provide detail on the delivery of the remaining interventions – to be delivered as part of City Deal funded core package of WETIP action, or directly delivered by development. 


  1. Appendix 4 sets out the estimated calculation for each intervention on a per housing unit basis. 

  1. Place 16 also required the delivery of site-specific measures in order for individual sites to be developed. These measures should be identified through site specific transport assessments and must align with the Refresh Study objectives and the principles of high-quality master planning and place making set out for West Edinburgh. 


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Addendum 4

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35. Do you agree with how we have calculated sharing the cost of delivering the transport interventions across developments?