Developer Contributions Supplementary Guidance

Closes 17 Sep 2024

Methodology to consider the impact on education infrastructure

The sections on ‘Evidence Appraisal and action to mitigate the impact of development’ and ‘Pupil Generation Rate’ explain how we have calculated what is required to mitigate the impact on education capacity. In summary, we have used the latest pupil generation rate (PGR) and the City Plan 2030 Report of Examination for the programming of allocated sites and the latest Housing Land Audit and Completions Programme for other programming and inputted these into the education model to determine the estimated housing output, applied the PGR and understood the actions required to mitigate the impact on education capacity.

Related information

Evidence base – Education Appraisal and actions to mitigate the impact of development 

  1. The Education Appraisal (September 2021), published alongside the Proposed City Plan, assessed the cumulative impact of housing growth on the existing learning estate and identified actions where extensions or new settings for early learning and childcare, primary and secondary schools will be required to accommodate City Plan’s population growth. 

  1. A baseline roll for each primary and secondary school was used to assess whether the estimated pupils from cumulative housing developments could be accommodated in the existing estate and where additional accommodation to support housing developments is required.   

  1. Cumulative ‘housing output’ assumptions take account of growth from HLA sites (including LDP 2016 sites) and proposed City Plan 2030 housing sites.  Housing capacity and mix assumptions were provided by Planning and are trend based.   

  1. Appendix 1 sets out the actions required to support housing developments across the city. 

Pupil Generation Rate  

  1. Pupil Generation Rates (PGR) are used to estimate the number of pupils expected to arise from development.  The split between denominational (RC) and non-denominational places is based on a city-wide average uptake of 13% of pupil choosing to attend a denominational school.   However, it is acknowledged that uptake of denominational school places varies across the city and will be influenced by several factors that are difficult to model.  

  1. The Council will review the PGR annually and report any changes in Action (Delivery) Programme reports.   

26. Is our explanation of the methodology to consider the impact on education infrastructure clear?