Developer Contributions Supplementary Guidance

Closes 17 Sep 2024

What types of infrastructure, what type of development it applies to and any exceptions

Related information

This guideline covers all infrastructure covered in City Plan Policy Inf 3 Infrastructure Delivery and Developer Contributions. The following table sets out where policy exceptions apply, and appendices will explain any particular circumstances where full contributions will not be sought. As a general principle, where a smaller development is proposed but is clearly part of a phased development of a larger site which would be subject to a developer contribution, a pro-rata sum will still be sought at an appropriate stage in the development of the site as a whole. This avoids sites subdividing to avoid triggering full developer contributions requirements (for examples, where the impact may appear trivial).  

Infrastructure type 

Applies to what type of development? (More detail on exceptions in each section) 

Transport proposals and safeguards from City Plan Part 4 tables 3-10 or interventions identified in transport assessments in accordance with Policy Inf 4.  

All residential units including student accommodation, build to rent.  


Commercial floorspace will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.  

Education provision including new schools, early years nursery proposals, school extensions to accommodate additional classrooms, and associated requirements to support the additional pupil numbers such as dining and gym facilities.  

All residential units including build to rent.  


No contributions required for one-bedroom units, student accommodation, care homes/assisted living.  

Primary Healthcare infrastructure capacity – proposals to provide floorspace for the provision of new facilities or to extend existing facilities.  

All residential development, including build to rent, student accommodation, care homes/assisted living.  

Green blue network actions including in City Plan Part 4 table 1 and public realm where identified for the town centres or projects delivering the Council’s City Centre Transformation.  

All residential development, including build to rent, student accommodation, care homes/assisted living. 


Additional commercial floorspace in the city centre zone.  

Delivery of National or regional strategies  


9. Do you agree with the proposed approach to what infrastructure type applies to which type and scale of development?