Developer Contributions Supplementary Guidance

Closes 17 Sep 2024

Per Unit Rate Formulas

The City Plan 2030 Education Appraisal and the methodology used to calculate the per unit rate was assessed as part of the City Plan 2030 examination. City Plan 2030 was approved for adoption on 27 June 2024 and accordingly, we are not seeking comments on this, as part of the current consultation.

Appendix 1 of the Supplementary Guidance outlines the different Education Contribution Zones.

Related information

Per-unit-rate Formulas 

  1. The per-unit rates are informed by housing output assumptions, estimated capital costs based on recent projects to deliver education infrastructure (based on Q4, 2022 prices) and weighted using the PGR.  

Per unit rate formula for flats: 

FPS x F 

C / F 

(FPS x F) + (HPS x H) 

Per unit rate for houses: 

HPS x H 

C / H 

(FPS x F) + (HPS x H) 

FPS = Primary School PGR Flats (Total) 

HPS = Primary School PGR Houses (Total) 

F = Total number of flats (>1bed) 

H = Total number of houses 

C = Capital cost 

Per unit rate for flats:  

£68,942 * PGR Secondary School Flat Total 

Per unit rate for houses: 

£68,942 * PGR Secondary School House Total 

10 With the exception of a new secondary school in West Edinburgh (Place 16), the per unit rate for additional secondary school places is based on an estimated per pupil cost of £68,249 (Q4, 2022) and weighted using the PGR.  Contributions for a new West Edinburgh High School will also have to capture servicing and remediation costs along with land costs and will be negotiated separately. 

11 The RC PGR is used when additional secondary places are only required at a denominational secondary school. 

Review of actions  

12 The per unit rates provide the likely financial impact from known development.  This is used to assess the likely contribution required from individual developments. 

13 As explained above, the per-unit rates are informed by housing output assumptions, therefore:  

  • If a site is an allocated housing site in City Plan then the rates applied will be as per this guidance.  Note:  contributions may be likely to change if proposed applications differ from the housing output assumptions that informed the per unit rates set out in the guidance.    

  • If a site is not an allocated housing site in the LDP then the rates applied will be assessed at the point of individual application.  This is because the impact of housing on unallocated sites has on the learning estate has not been assessed.  


14 The actions and underlying rates will be kept under review and changes reported through the Action (Delivery) Programme.  

15 The Action Programme will be reviewed in the future as a new Delivery Programme.  All actions, and the timing of their delivery, will be subject to review and change through this process so they can respond to the latest data and the outcome of any consultation processes or other external factors.  



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27. Do you have any comments on the per unit rate calculations for each zone (where your comments relate to a specific zone, please make this clear)?
28. Do you have any comments on the education contribution zones as shown in Appendix 1 (where your comments relate to a specific zone, please make this clear)?