Developer Contributions Supplementary Guidance

Closes 17 Sep 2024

Bus Infrastructure

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City Plan transport appraisal identifies new bus routes and service improvements in Part 4, Table 6: Orbital Bus Route and Improved Bus Connections. The City Plan Transport Assessment states: ‘Public transport operating costs are anticipated to be recoverable from increased passenger revenue once the development(s) is/are fully occupied. There may, however, be a need for some subsidy payment to bus operators to ensure that an adequate service is in place from the moment of first occupation of the development whilst transport demand builds.’ Contributions towards PT1 – 17 can be sought on a case by case basis, where the level of bus service at the point of an application would justify a service subsidy to assist in meeting mode share targets and reducing the need for private car use.  

40. Do you agree with the Council’s proposal to seek contributions towards subsidising bus infrastructure?