Developer Contributions Supplementary Guidance

Closes 17 Sep 2024

Relationship with Action (Delivery) Programme

Related information

The Council’s step-by-step approach to preparing the Action Programme and guideline on developer contribution is:  


Infrastructure Appraisals establish the impact of City Plan growth on infrastructure (identifying if and where there is spare capacity) and recommends interventions to address the impact.



Appraisals are reviewed, and where new infrastructure is considered necessary to mitigate the impact, these are included as Proposals (see tables in Part 4 of the Plan).


Infrastructure supporting the delivery of development are included in statutory Action (Delivery) Programme, including who is responsible and an estimate of the delivery timescales.


Delivery timescales are based on the annual Housing Land Audit (and other relevant studies). The Action Programme is reviewed at least every two years, and can update expected delivery dates and amend actions, if necessary.



Costs estimates of each infrastructure proposal is set out in the Appendices of the SG.


Where the infrastructure proposals address the impact of more than one development, cumulative Contribution Zones are proposed in the SG.


The SG sets out the framework for the collection of developer contributions and apportioning costs for each contribution zone.



Potential to update SG appendices to allow a review of any consequential changes if cost estimates change.


Updates to the Action (and subsequent Delivery) Programme will provide details on costs, funding, how and by whom actions will be delivered.

The Action Programme is a statutory document, which is adopted by Planning Authorities and submitted to Scottish Ministers on at least a two-yearly basis. Regular updates of the Action (Delivery) Programme provide accurate alignment of likely delivery timescales that relate to housing programmes (the Council’s Housing Land Audit and Completions Programme), confirms who is to deliver the actions (developers, service delivery partners) and can provide progress updates on project delivery programmes and other funding sources. As details of the delivery project emerge, there is the potential to update cost estimates, and this can be published in the Action (Delivery) Programme.  

10. Do you agree with the stated relationship between the Supplementary Guidance and the Action Programme?
11. Do you agree with the proposed approach to the preparation of subsequent Delivery Programmes in relation to developer contributions?