Developer Contributions Supplementary Guidance

Closes 17 Sep 2024

Part 1: Introduction and Purpose

Related information

  1. It is only through the delivery of necessary infrastructure to support growth that we can achieve sustainable, thriving communities. This guidance interprets and implements City Plan 2030 Policy Inf 3 Infrastructure Delivery and Developer Contributions and NPF4 Policy 18 Infrastructure First. 

  1. Preparing this statutory supplementary guidance (SG) under Section 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 means that once it is adopted it will form part of the development plan. It will be used as policy to determine planning applications including the provisions to include legal agreements requiring contributions towards delivering infrastructure associated with development. This policy framework assists in the realisation of the aims of City Plan 2030 for an infrastructure first approach to development.  

  1. For each type of infrastructure listed in City Plan Policy Inf 3, this guidance explains how we envisage its delivery and how to calculate proportionate developer contributions, where necessary. This ensures transparency in applying contributions and for the development industry to understand the costs associated with development proposals. Accompanying the proportionate cost calculations are explanations showing that the levels of contributions sought fairly and reasonably relate in scale and kind to the proposed development, and reflect actual impacts of, and are proportionate to, the proposed development.  

7. Is our explanation for the need and purpose of Developer Contributions clear?