Developer Contributions Supplementary Guidance

Closes 17 Sep 2024

Part 3: Transport

Transport is the largest producer of carbon emissions in Scotland. People need to move around Edinburgh in a way that is carbon emission free, efficient, safe, accessible, affordable and integrated. We need to provide the supporting infrastructure that helps to deliver sustainable travel and reinforce a travel hierarchy that promotes walking, wheeling and cycling, public transport and car sharing. With new development, it is important that we put the infrastructure in place from the beginning to give people viable options to move around in a more sustainable way.

Developer contributions are a means to deliver that infrastructure. They cover a wide range of interventions including segregated cycle paths, shared use paths, road crossings, shared mobility such as mobility hubs and delivering additional capacity in car clubs, public transport infrastructure and service enhancements and road junction improvements.

This draft Supplementary Guidance includes proposed contributions zones for a range of these types of transport infrastructure.

The identified infrastructure required is set out in Part 4 Tables 3-10 of City Plan 2030.

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Table 3

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Table 9 

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Table 10

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