Firrhill High Student Travel Survey

Closed 22 Jan 2018

Opened 14 Dec 2017


Firrhill High School is getting active! 

Being active not only improves your physical and mental health and well being. It also improves concentration and ability to learn.

Travelling sustainably on the school run can reduce traffic congestion, noise and air pollution and improve the local environment.

Anything you tell us will be in confidence and will not be linked to any individual.

Many thanks for your help!

Why your views matter

Firrhill High School is revising its Travel Plan and would like to learn about your daily journey to and from school and if there are any barriers which discourage you from travelling on foot, by bike and by public transport.

Entrants may win one of two £10 Amazon vouchers or one of two £10 “Love to Shop” vouchers.

If you wish to be entered into the prize draw please remember to leave your contact details before you submit your entry prior to leaving the survey!


  • Natural neighbourhood area - Colinton/Bonaly
  • Natural neighbourhood area - Comiston
  • Natural neighbourhood area - Craiglockhart
  • Natural neighbourhood area - Fairmilehead/Swanston
  • Natural neighbourhood area - Longstone
  • Natural neighbourhood area - Oxgangs/Colinton Mains/Firrhill
  • Natural neighbourhood area - Redhall/Inglis Green
  • Neigbourhood Partnership - Pentlands
  • Ward 8 - Colinton/Fairmilehead
  • Ward 9 - Fountainbridge/Craiglockhart


  • Children & Young People


  • Children and Families
  • Cycling and walking
  • Road safety
  • Schools