Granton Gasholder Park

Closed 27 Feb 2022

Opened 14 Feb 2022

Results updated 21 Mar 2022

Please see final report attached below. Thank you to everyone who participated in this engagement excercise. 




The City of Edinburgh Council would like to share the vision and proposals for the future of the Granton Gasholder and gather views on how the space should be developed.

Image credit: Fabio Scalici Photography

Project Overview

The Council was successful in its bid to secure funding from the UK Government’s Levelling Up Fund to restore the Granton Gasholder.  The proposals include the restoration of the B-listed gasholder frame and the creation of a publicly accessible space. Bringing this site into public use will help deliver one of the most sustainable new coastal towns in Scotland.

The Granton Waterfront regeneration project recently took a major step forward when the Outline Business Case to develop plans for the first phase was agreed.

The iconic gasholder tower, located in the Granton Waterfront area of the city, is a beacon of light on the Edinburgh skyline.

The aim is to have this exciting restoration project delivered by Spring 2024.

About Granton Waterfront

The restoration of the gasholder is a key project within the regeneration of Granton Waterfront which provides an unmissable opportunity for Scotland’s capital city to set the standard for sustainable growth, marking a stepped change in how development can influence how we go about our daily lives.

Over the next 10-15 years, this area of the city will be transformed from a post-industrial brownfield site into vibrant new neighbourhoods where people live and travel and grow the economy in an inclusive and considerate way.

Why your views matter

This is a chance for you to provide us with your thoughts on the proposals and inform the design and development of the next stage of the design process for the publicly accessible space within and around the Granton Gasholder.


  • Natural neighbourhood area - Granton/Waterfont


  • Anyone from any background


  • All interests