Lanark Road Proposals - Local Engagement

Closed 27 Sep 2021

Opened 6 Sep 2021

Feedback updated 26 Jun 2023

We asked

In April 2021, we asked residents and businesses what they thought about retaining the Spaces for People measures that have been implemented across the city in response to Covid 19.

We reported the findings to the Council meeting on 24 June. At this meeting councillors agreed that officers should engage with the local community council and residents on the Lanark Road Scheme with a view to retaining the measures to:

  • achieve cycle speed reduction 
  • reconsider the parking spaces which sit outside protected cycle lanes to mitigate any potential conflict and safety concerns as quickly as possible.

You said

There were 574 responses to the survey.  228 of these were submitted from within the leafleted area. 219 were submitted from the wider EH13 and EH14 area, and a further 127 were submitted from further afield.  A meeting was held at the start of the engagement process with representatives from the local community councils to seek feedback on options for the Lanark Road scheme.

A report on the findings was submitted to the Transport and Environment Committee on 14 October 2021.   A summary of the monitoring and feedback received is included as Appendix 2 of the report.

We did

At the meeting of the Transport and Environment Committee on 14 October, it was decided that the Lanark Road scheme should be retained throughout an experimental period of up to 18 months, with some revisions to the layout and location of parking in certain areas.

Following the experimental period, a further Traffic Regulation Order will be required should the Council opt to make this scheme permanent.


Update (26/06/2023)

We installed protected cycle lanes on Lanark Road as part of the Spaces for People (SfP) programme implemented during 2020 and 2021 in response to Covid-19.  This saw the introduction of measures to support the requirement for physical distancing, particularly where people were opting for different means of transport and travel and there was an increase in the need for space for walking, cycling and wheeling. 

Under the Travelling Safely programme (formerly Spaces for People) steps are being taken to retain some schemes on an experimental basis, to remove others post-pandemic and to engage further with communities on options for a handful of measures.  This is because many of the Spaces for People measures may help achieve some of our longer-term ambitions for a people-focussed travel network included in the City Mobility Plan.


We are keen to hear what you think about proposals for Lanark Road.  Earlier this year we put protected cycle lanes on Lanark Road as part of the Spaces for People measures to make streets safe for walking, cycling and wheeling and to allow people to physically distance in response to Covid 19.

We asked residents and businesses what they thought about keeping Spaces for People measures for a longer experimental period or permanently as they help us achieve some of our longer-term ambitions for a people-focussed travel network included in the City Mobility Plan. We reported the findings to the Council meeting on 24 June.  At this meeting councillors agreed that we should get more opinions from the local community council and residents with a view to retaining the measures to:

  • achieve cycle speed reduction 
  • reconsider the parking spaces which sit outside protected cycle lanes to mitigate any potential conflict and safety concerns as quickly as possible.

Why your views matter

Your views are important to us so that we can address any concerns you may have about the Spaces for People measures on Lanark Road. 

What happens next

Findings from the survey will be presented to councillors with the results from the previous public consultation when they decide at the Transport and Environment Committee meeting on 14 October 2021 on whether this scheme should be kept in place for  a longer term.

If the decision is to make permanent changes to Lanark Road, they would then go through a formal statutory consultation process before being implemented.


  • Natural neighbourhood area - Colinton/Bonaly
  • Natural neighbourhood area - Kingsknowe


  • Anyone from any background


  • All interests