Lanark Road West at Stewart Road - pedestrian crossing improvements

Closed 8 Jul 2018

Opened 11 Jun 2018

Feedback updated 7 Mar 2019

We asked

We asked for views on the proposed design for new pedestrian crossing facilities in Lanark Road West.

You said

A summary of the comments raised is attached along with the Council’s response.

We did

Following this consultation and works within a new development at the location beginning, the Active Travel team have agreed to explore additional funding. This would enable the proposed facilities to be upgraded to a signalised crossing with the intention to link to ‘The Water of Leith Path’ via the new development.  Work on the necessary redesign of the proposed facilities has begun and these will be consulted on separately.

Results updated 7 Mar 2019

There were 101 responses to the consultation.

A copy of the Council’s response to comments raised during the consultation is attached.




The Council proposes to introduce new pedestrian crossing improvements on Lanark Road West at Stewart Road. A preliminary design has been developed for the scheme.

Why your views matter

We would like to know your views on the proposed pedestrian crossing improvements on Lanark Road West at Stewart Road. A PDF copy of the preliminary design can be found below under the 'Related' heading.

What happens next

We will use your views to make sure the preliminary design meets the needs of those who will use the new pedestrian crossing improvements and revise the design as may be necessary. We then hope to build the improvements by the autumn of 2018.


  • Natural neighbourhood area - Currie


  • People with disabilities
  • Parents/carers
  • Residents
  • Road users
  • Amenity groups
  • Community councils
  • Neighbourhood partnerships
  • Transport groups


  • Adults and Older People
  • Children and Families
  • Disabilities
  • Cycling and walking
  • Public Transport
  • Roads and pavements
  • Road safety