Edinburgh's Local Housing Strategy
Edinburgh’s draft Local Housing Strategy covers all tenures and types of housing and sets out key strategic objectives and proposed actions for delivering housing and related services, along with the key challenges. It is a statutory requirement that local authorities produce a Local Housing Strategy.
This is a consultation on the draft Local Housing Strategy. Following this consultation, the strategy will be reviewed and is due for completion in May 2025.
Read the draft Local Housing Strategy
What you’ve told us so far
An initial survey was open for six weeks, closing on 14th June 2024. We received 345 responses. These included in-depth comments across a range of issues. Read the initial LHS survey results.
Following on from that survey, a series of workshop events were held involving a wide range of stakeholders along with an online feedback route. Information on these can be found in the draft Consultation and Engagement report.
Why your views matter
With the fastest growing population in Scotland and facing unprecedented challenges, it has never been more important to have a strong housing strategy that reflects and is influenced by the views of those living in the city. Your responses to this survey will feed into the development of the final Local Housing Strategy.
Give us your views
- All Edinburgh
- Residents
- Council and housing association homes
- Homeless or at risk
- Housing support
- Private housing
- Council homes
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