Lochend and Easter Road - walking, wheeling and cycling improvements
Feedback updated 12 Dec 2022
We asked
We asked for your views on conditions for walking, wheeling and cycling at the Easter Road/ Albion Road junction and also the path that goes between Lochend Butterfly Way and Moray Park Terrace. We presented proposals in a draft concept design for improving these areas including enhanced public realm through providing seating and planting.
To publicise the engagement we delivered leaflets throughout the area and emailed local stakeholder groups. We also promoted the opportunity to give feedback through social media and newspaper website articles.
You said
Conditions for walking and wheeling at Easter Road/ Albion Road junction were rated good or very good by less than 20% of respondents. Conditions for walking, wheeling and cycling through the Moray Park terrace path were rated good or very good by between 11-30% of respondents. 57% of respondents agreed with the proposals to improve the junction and 61% answered that the proposed improvements would increase their use of the path. 84% of respondent supported plans for providing more planting and improving fencing along the path. Trees and other planting, seating and cycle parking received strong support in the proposed pocket park areas.
From feedback from free text entries in the survey a number of other themes and comments have emerged including:
- concerns that proposals are not sufficient to increase cycle safety
- concerns around the reduction in car parking
- personal security and insufficient lighting raised as a concern
- concerns around the amount of parking near to the junction
- uneven pavement surfaces
We did
We have now produced a Final Concept Design. We are seeking further project funding to continue with the next stages of design and we will look to incorporate community feedback as the project moves through the next stages of design.
Results updated 12 Dec 2022
- Albion Road Easter Road Lochend Engagement Report, 1.2 MB (PDF document)
- Moray Park Terrace - Concept Design FINAL, 424.6 KB (PDF document)
- Albion Road - Concept Design FINAL, 449.9 KB (PDF document)
The purpose of this survey is for you to provide us with feedback on the design proposals for local path improvements to the path connection from Moray Park Terrace to Lochend Butterfly Way, and changes to the Easter Road/ Albion Road Junction.
The map below shows the two areas our proposals are considering.
Please review the proposals before responding to the survey. A summary is provided here with more details available via the Give us your views link below.
Lochend Butterfly to Moray Park Terrace
- Addition of a raised table at the junction beside the pedestrian entrance to Sainsbury’s.
- Dropped kerb and widening of entrance into the shared use path connecting to Lochend Butterfly Way.
- Widening of the shared use path to 4 metres, and the addition of a green strip either side of the path.
Albion Road, Easter Road Junction
- Footway on the south side of Albion Road widened.
- Placemaking improvements to the north side of Albion Road with the potential to add a parklet.
- Benches and planters incorporated on the south side of Albion Road.
Why your views matter
Thank you for your time and interest in this project. We are at an early stage of development of proposals so are keen to hear from as many voices in the community as possible.
This survey should take around 5 minutes to complete and we are looking to get feedback on key design and placemaking proposals for Easter Road at the Albion Road junction and the path which connects Moray Park Terrace to Lochend Butterfly Way.
- Natural neighbourhood area - Craigentinny
- Natural neighbourhood area - Leith
- Natural neighbourhood area - Leith/Easter Rd
- Ward 13 - Leith
- Ward 14 - Craigentinny/Duddingston
- Anyone from any background
- Cycling and walking
- Public Transport
- Roads and pavements
- Road safety
- Traffic regulation
- Travel in Edinburgh
- Pollution
- Biodiversity
- Landscape designations
- Nature
- Parks and green spaces
- Land and property
- Local plans and guidelines
- Planning applications
- Area regeneration
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