London Street at Drummond Place

Closed 22 Jul 2018

Opened 15 Jun 2018

Results updated 20 Dec 2018

Thank you for taking the time to respond to the consultation carried out  in June 2018 to determine residents preferred option between constructing a signalised pedestrian crossing (Puffin) or to reduce the overall width of the junction mouth by constructing two footway build outs. There were a high number of positive comments supporting the implementation of pedestrian crossing improvements at this location.

We received 173 responses to the proposals to construct either Option One, a controlled Puffin crossing or Option Two, narrowing the junction using footway buildouts.

Of those responses;

  • 163 were in favour of Option Two - Narrowing the junction using footway buildouts.
  • 10 were in favour of Option One - Puffin crossing.

We will now progress the Traffic Regulation Order to amend the parking restrictions. This can take up to 12 months. 

The  PDF below addresses the queries raised through this consultation.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require additional information on this proposal.

Stacey Monteith-Skelton

Senior Engineer (Road Safety)



London Street at it's junction with Drummond Place has been identified for pedestrian crossing improvements by the City of Edinburgh Council's Pedestrian Crossing Assessment process. This consultation aims to present two design options to the local residents in order to take forward the preferred option. 

Why your views matter

Two options for a new pedestrian crossing facility have been designed for this location which can be viewed at the bottom of the page for your information.

Option one - Puffin Crossing, this crossing is fully signal controlled. It will require a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to remove 29m of parking from the north kerbline and 35m from the south kerbline. A section of setted carriageway will also be removed to allow for the introduction of anti skid surfacing on the approaches to the crossing.

Option two - Footway buildouts with a raised crossing point. This is an uncontrolled raised crossing, which with the aid of building out the footways on both the north and south kerblines, the crossing width would be narrowed from 17m to 7.85m as well as tightening the junction which will also calm vehicle speeds as they turn into London Street. This option will require a TRO to remove 2.5m of parking from the south kerbline and increase the parking by 1.6m on the north kerbline.


  • Natural neighbourhood area - New Town


  • Elected Members
  • Road users
  • Community councils
  • Neighbourhood partnerships
  • Transport groups


  • Cycling and walking
  • Parking spaces
  • Roads and pavements
  • Road safety