Physical Activity and Sport Strategy for Edinburgh

Closed 26 Jun 2024

Opened 3 Apr 2024


We would like to hear your views on the draft Physical Activity and Sport Strategy for Edinburgh.

Our vision is to create an Edinburgh where everyone enjoys the benefits of an active life. Because we know that the more active we are, the healthier we become both physically and mentally, the stronger our communities and the more inclusive our city.  

The draft strategy aims to tackle inequality, promote inclusion and reduce health inequality. It is based on evidence and ideas from a range of national and city sources and has been developed by the Physical Activity and Sport Strategy Partnership Group which includes representatives from the City of Edinburgh Council, Edinburgh Leisure, NHS Lothian, Sport Scotland, Scottish Student Sport and Edinburgh University.

The draft strategy outlines the proposed key priorities and areas of focus for partners and the City of Edinburgh Council that are intended to guide the support for physical activity and sport in the city over the next 10 years.

Read the draft Physical Activity and Sport Strategy for Edinburgh.


This strategy does not sit in isolation. It is set within the national policy context and aligns with the city’s key strategies and plans to ensure consistency and to maximise the positive impact on outcomes for Edinburgh’s citizens.

The new strategy will not replace or compete with existing strategies, but it is intended to provide an integrated approach, helping everyone to work together more effectively to support more people to become more physically active.

Why your views matter

We want to understand your experiences of physical activity and sport and hear your views on whether you think our priorities are the right ones for the city.

Although Edinburgh is a city that enjoys a wealth of opportunities to participate in physical activity and sport, we know that there are still barriers which prevent people from taking part. We want to work together to identify and remove those barriers, to ensure equal access for all and make it easier for people to participate. We need your opinions and expertise to make sure we are tackling the priorities that will make the most difference.

The feedback we receive will be used to shape the final version of the strategy, and the action plans that will flow from it to help realise our vision of an Edinburgh where everyone enjoys the benefits of an active life. Informed by your feedback, the draft strategy will be presented to the Culture and Communities Committee for approval later in the year. Following approval of the strategy, an Action Plan and Performance Framework will be developed which will set out how the strategy will be delivered.

The successful delivery of the strategy will depend upon effective partnership working with our communities, clubs and organisations across the city. Strong collaboration with all stakeholders and partners will ensure that we can realise the vision where everyone enjoys the benefits of an active life, and we can deliver positive change together for a healthier, happier Edinburgh.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire which should take you around 15 minutes. 

If you have any queries, please contact PA&  

Need a different language or format?

Please email the Interpretation and Translation Service at quoting reference 24-9767


  • All Edinburgh


  • Anyone from any background


  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Sport, activities and dance