Planning Guidance - Edinburgh Design Guidance

Closes 3 Apr 2025

Responding well to Edinburgh’s built and natural heritage

We have included guidance on how to respond well to heritage throughout the document. This includes built heritage, landscape and townscape character. This is to reflect the integral role of heritage within the design of development in Edinburgh. It is also to avoid duplicating design advice provided elsewhere. For example, Listed Building and Conservation Area guidance and Historic Environment Scotland’s Managing Change in the Historic Environment guidance.

Related information

Glossary of key terms

Built Heritage - The city’s buildings and built spaces of special value.

Character - The patterns we recognise around us that makes one place distinct from another.

Conservation Area - An area designated under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997 as being of special architectural or historic interest, the character and interest of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance.

Landscape - How we see the land around us and how it has been shaped by people and nature.

Listed Building - A building identified by Historic Scotland as being of special architectural or historical interest as set out in the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997. Categorised A, B, C(s) to reflect their relative importance.

Natural heritage - The natural features, spaces and landscapes that are of special value.

Townscape - The patterns we recognise in the built-up area, including the type and layout of buildings and the open spaces between them.

1. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the need for development to respond well to Edinburgh’s built heritage, landscape and townscape character is sufficiently integrated throughout the draft guidance.
2. Do you have any comments or suggestions on how the guidance explains how development should respond to built and natural heritage?
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