Planning Guidance - Edinburgh Design Guidance
Climate Adaptation
Climate Adaptation is how we design to respond to the challenges of a changing climate. This includes higher levels of rain, flood risk, droughts and heatwaves.
This section covers:
- Designing for a changing climate, including managing flood risk
- Incorporating green blue infrastructure and responding to Edinburgh’s strategic green blue network
Please see the relevant section of the guidance below:
(To see the guidance full screen, please click on ">>" and then "Presentation Mode")
Related information
Climate Ready Edinburgh
This section has been aligned with the Council's 'Climate
Ready Edinburgh Plan' (2024). This plan sets out how the city will adapt to variable and extreme weather conditions.
Glossary of key terms
Climate Adaptation – Actions to adapt and build resilience to a changing climate.
Fluvial Erosion – The loss of material from the river bed and banks due to the force of the river water.
Green and Blue Network - The totality of green and blue features in an area, for example green roofs and permeable spaces, often combining to cumulatively provide a range of benefits, including positive effects for biodiversity and water management.
Greenspace - Any vegetated land or structure, water or geological feature in the urban area including playing fields, grassed areas, trees, woodlands and paths.
Infrastructure - Physical networks which serve development such as roads, paths, street lighting, supplies of water, gas, electricity and wastewater drainage and services for occupants of developments such as public transport measures, schools and healthcare.
Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) - Drainage Systems that mimic natural drainage, encouraging infiltration where appropriate and attenuating both hydraulic and pollutant impacts with minimal adverse impact on people and the environment.