Planning Guidance - Edinburgh Design Guidance

Closes 3 Apr 2025

Mixed Communities

Mixed Communities relates to how we design neighbourhoods that meet a mix of needs. This includes having a mix of building uses and spaces. This includes schools, parks and shops. It also includes having a mix of homes, such as affordable homes and homes for older or disabled people.

This section covers:

  • Designing mixed use neighbourhoods.
  • The appropriate housing mix, size and tenure.

Please see the relevant section of the guidance below:

(To see the guidance full screen, please click on ">>" and then "Presentation Mode")

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Glossary of key terms

Affordable Housing - Housing that is for sale or rent, to meet the identified needs of people who cannot afford to buy or rent housing generally available on the open market.

Community Facilities/Infrastructure - A collective term used to describe buildings and/or land, and the uses to which they are put, that are required; of proven value, and foster a vibrant community. Examples of such buildings, land and uses include, but are not restricted to schools/lifelong learning; green spaces; community gardens; allotments; sport and recreation; local doctor and dental surgeries; local shops; community halls; shared work/meet spaces; public toilets; and water fountains.

Density - The floorspace or number of dwellings in a development divided by its land area.

Greenspace - Any vegetated land or structure, water or geological feature in the urban area including playing fields, grassed areas, trees, woodlands and paths.

Open Space - Includes ‘greenspace’ (see definition) and ‘civic space’ consisting of squares, marketplaces and other paved or hard landscaped areas with a civic function.

1. To what extent do you agree or disagree that this section provides clear guidance on how we expect development to deliver an appropriate mix of housing and supportive uses?
2. Do you have any comments or suggestions on the Mixed Communities section of the draft guidance?
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