Short-term Let Planning Guidance for Edinburgh
Results updated 25 Apr 2023
Thank you for taking part in our consultation. We received over 1,200 responses and a report on the proposed changes to Short Term Let Guidance for Business was approved at Planning Committee on 19 April 2023. The revised guidance can be viewed here.
We want to know what you think about our proposed planning guidance for short-term lets in Edinburgh. We have updated the guidance to give more detail on how we will make decisions on planning applications.
In 2021, the Scottish Government brought in new legislation which allows councils to have a short-term let control area. In a control area, these new laws mean if you offer a flat or a house for a short-term let that is not the home you live in, you will need planning permission for it.
We are the first council in Scotland to apply for a short-term control area. This covers the whole of the Council’s area. Scottish Government approved our request and the control area started on 5 September 2022.
Why your views matter
Now that Edinburgh is a control area, we have proposed guidance which we’d like to get your views on. The Planning Committee asked us to get views on this from residents and businesses. Download the full report from that committee meeting.
When people apply for permission to run short-term lets, we will assess applications with:
- our plan which includes policy for planning applications in residential areas.
- the short-term let guidance
We will use your responses to shape the final version of the guidance which we aim to have in place in early 2023. Your responses will be confidential. We will not link them to you unless you are responding on behalf of an organisation.
You can view our Privacy Notice for Planning and Building Standards.
- All Edinburgh
- Homeless People
- People with long term conditions
- People with disabilities
- Minority Ethnic groups
- Carers
- Jobseekers
- Low income households
- Older people
- Businesses
- Children & Young People
- Civil and public servants
- Elected Members
- Lesbian, gay, bisexual people, Transgender people (LGBT)
- Men
- Parents/carers
- Professionals
- Residents
- Road users
- Students
- Teaching/Educational staff
- Visitors
- Voluntary sector/volunteers
- Women
- Taxi Licence holders
- Amenity groups
- Architects/designers
- Built heritage groups
- Community councils
- Developers/investors
- Development management statutory consultees
- Development planning key agencies
- Education institutions
- External councils
- Housing associations
- Landowners
- Libraries
- Natural heritage/open space
- Neighbourhood partnerships
- Planning consultants
- Professional bodies
- Scottish Government departments
- Services/utilities
- Transport groups
- Young people
- Licence holders
- Employees
- Licence applicants
- Local plans and guidelines
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