Street and Market Trading Activity - 2025
Anyone who sells goods or services on the street or operates a market with more than one seller in Edinburgh is required to be licensed. The Council’s Street Trading policy provides the ability to control and manage these activities. The policy is reviewed periodically to ensure that it continues to support a safe, clean and attractive environment for those living in, working in and visiting the City.
In January 2025 the Regulatory Committee agreed to consult on certain specific questions with respect to the development of Council policy on Street and Market Trading.
Read the report on Street Trading and Market Operators policy review
Why your views matter
Your views will help to update the Council’s approach to street trading in a number of City Centre locations. Your comments may also identify other areas where the Council needs to adapt its existing policy.
The Council will engage with a variety of stakeholders, and the results of this engagement will be considered by Regulatory Committee in Autumn 2025.
Give us your views
- All Edinburgh
- Anyone from any background
- Looked after and accommodated children
- Adults and Older People
- Carers
- Children and Families
- Disabilities
- Health and Wellbeing
- Paying for Care
- Poverty and Inequality
- People with mental health issues
- People with addictions
- Offenders
- All interests
- Cycling and walking
- Park and ride
- Parking permits
- Parking spaces
- Parking tickets
- Public Transport
- Roads and pavements
- Trams
- Road safety
- Traffic regulation
- Travel in Edinburgh
- Housing benefit
- Welfare reform
- Commercial bins and recycling
- Non-commercial bins and recycling
- Business rates
- Economic development
- Food safety
- Health and safety
- Licences and permits
- Scientific services
- Support for businesses
- Trading standards
- Procurement
- Births, marriages and deaths
- Budgets and spending
- Community planning
- Councillors and committees
- Access to information
- Elections and voting
- Funding opportunities
- Performance and statistics
- Policies, plans and strategies
- Community safety
- Crime & Antisocial behaviour
- Emergency planning
- Flooding
- Protect someone from harm
- Severe weather
- Noise
- Pest control
- Pollution
- Biodiversity
- Landscape designations
- Nature
- Council and housing association homes
- Homeless or at risk
- Housing support
- Private housing
- Council homes
- Jobs and training
- Jobs and training for young people
- Volunteer
- Arts and culture
- Archives and local history
- Museums and galleries
- Parks and green spaces
- Sport, activities and dance
- Libraries
- Building warrants
- Conservation
- Enforcement
- Land and property
- Local plans and guidelines
- Planning applications
- Permissions for development
- Area regeneration
- Public space
- Adult and community learning & development
- Nurseries and childcare
- Parental engagement
- Schools
- Youth clubs and participation
- Offline
- Sustainability
- Net Zero
- Adaptation
- Climate Change
- Carbon emissions
- Fairtrade
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