Student Housing Engagement
Thank you for your interest in filling out the survey on student living in Edinburgh. We would really appreciate your views. If you fill out the survey, you’ll be entered into a prize draw to win a £50 (all purpose) voucher. Just remember to leave your e-mail address at the end.
Having somewhere safe and secure to call home whilst studying is essential to support your health and wellbeing so you can focus on your studies and enjoy being a student in Edinburgh.
We know finding somewhere to live in Edinburgh can be difficult for anyone whether you are a student or not. Accommodation is in high demand and is expensive.
Please note that this survey is for students in either further or higher education studying and/or living within the Edinburgh area.
Why your views matter
In 2023, there were over 100,000 students enrolled in further or higher education in Edinburgh – around 20% of the City’s population. As a student, you make a big contribution to Edinburgh. We need to understand your experience and needs around student accommodation and living in Edinburgh.
Your views will feed into the following:
Edinburgh’s draft Local Housing Strategy (LHS)
Edinburgh’s draft Local Housing Strategy (LHS) covers all aspects of housing and related services for the coming years. With the fastest growing population in Scotland and facing unprecedented challenges, it has never been more important to have a strong housing strategy that reflects and is influenced by the views of those living in the city. We’d like to hear from as many residents as possible including students.
If you would also like to share your views on housing in the city more widely, please access the LHS consultation here. This consultation closes on 22 April 2025.
Student Accommodation Non-Statutory Planning Guidance
This planning guidance relates to purpose built student accommodation (PBSA) like Unite, Student Castle or IQ. It will provide guidance on where PBSA should be located, what should be provided and how it fits with the surrounding area. It will be used by the Council to assess planning applications. You can share your views on this guidance here. This closes on 23 May 2025.
City Plan 2040
A local development plan (LDP) is a document prepared by a local planning authority which outlines the vision and framework for the future development and use of land within its area, serving as the basis for determining planning applications. City Plan 2040 will be Edinburgh’s next LDP and as part of this work, we need to think student accommodation – how much we need, where it should be located but also understanding where students want to live. You can find out more about City Plan 2040 here.
Please email the Interpretation and Translation Service at quoting reference 25-0413.
Give us your views
- All Areas
- Anyone from any background
- Children and Families
- All interests
- Cycling and walking
- Park and ride
- Parking permits
- Parking spaces
- Parking tickets
- Public Transport
- Roads and pavements
- Trams
- Road safety
- Traffic regulation
- Travel in Edinburgh
- Housing benefit
- Commercial bins and recycling
- Non-commercial bins and recycling
- Business rates
- Economic development
- Food safety
- Health and safety
- Licences and permits
- Community planning
- Access to information
- Elections and voting
- Funding opportunities
- Policies, plans and strategies
- Community safety
- Crime & Antisocial behaviour
- Emergency planning
- Flooding
- Protect someone from harm
- Severe weather
- Noise
- Pest control
- Pollution
- Biodiversity
- Landscape designations
- Nature
- Council and housing association homes
- Homeless or at risk
- Housing support
- Private housing
- Council homes
- Arts and culture
- Archives and local history
- Museums and galleries
- Parks and green spaces
- Sport, activities and dance
- Libraries
- Building warrants
- Conservation
- Enforcement
- Land and property
- Local plans and guidelines
- Planning applications
- Permissions for development
- Area regeneration
- Public space
- Adult and community learning & development
- Schools
- Youth clubs and participation
- Sustainability
- Net Zero
- Adaptation
- Climate Change
- Carbon emissions
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