Town Centre Draft Supplementary Guidance – Stockbridge Town Centre

Closed 30 May 2017

Opened 18 Apr 2017

Results expected 31 Aug 2017

Feedback updated 5 Dec 2017

We asked

We asked for your views on the draft approach to planning for a mix of uses in Stockbridge town centre. 

You said

272 responses were received.   Responses in general showed broad support for the approach set out on the basis that greater flexibility will enhance and maintain vitality, viability and occupancy rates. Further comments were received covering a broad range of issues within the town centre.    

We did

Comments received on the approach to planning for a mix of uses have been considered in the finalisation of the Town Centre Supplementary Guidance which was approved at Housing and Economy Committee on 2 November 2017. A summary of comments received and a response to these is set out within the Committee Report.  Comments have been shared with other Council services. 

The Supplementary Guidance will be used to determine planning applications and help deliver the Council’s wider placemaking and sustainability aims.  


The Council is responsible for managing the mix of shops, cafes, restaurants, pubs and other uses in its town centres.  We are preparing new supplementary guidance for Stockbridge Town Centre. This will set out where uses can change and how we plan for a mix of uses to support the town centres as a place to shop, visit, live and work.

Why your views matter

We are seeking the views of all those who shop, visit, live and work in the Stockbridge town centre.  We would like to hear your views on the draft approach on planning for a mix of uses in Stockbridge.  Please read the full draft supplementary guidance before completing the survey below.

What happens next

Your views will be used to further inform the content of the final supplementary guidance. The finalised guidance is expected to be published in Autumn 2017.


  • Natural neighbourhood area - Inverleith
  • Natural neighbourhood area - Stockbridge
  • Neigbourhood Partnership - Inverleith
  • Ward 5 - Inverleith


  • Businesses
  • Residents
  • Amenity groups
  • Community councils
  • Developers/investors
  • Neighbourhood partnerships


  • Land and property
  • Local plans and guidelines