West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework and Strategic Masterplan
Feedback updated 25 Jan 2024
We asked
We undertook a consultation exercise on the draft West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework and Strategic Masterplan (WEPFSM).
We asked for comments on various parts of the WEPFSM including what is good about the area; what are the challenges, sustainability; green blue network and landscape; open space, play and recreation; connectivity, access, movement and parking; living well locally; and creating a distinctive place.
The consultation took place for 12 weeks between 12 July 2023 and 4 October 2023.
There was engagement via the questionnaire on the Consultation Hub, a staffed pop-up session, a drop-in exhibition and two online webinars. Young people were engaged at three events in local schools and there was a presentation to Corstorphine Community Council. There were also discussions with a range of consultees and stakeholders.
You said
- 173 people responded to our consultation via the Consultation Hub.
- Over 50 people attended the drop-in information session.
- Over 160 young people were involved in the school engagement exercises.
- There were concerns about the principle of developing the site and the loss of green space.
- The increase in traffic was the main concern and that development will bring further congestion to the area.
- Making sure public transport is there from the start was important.
- Needs better designed and safe cycle paths, walkways and crossings that meet the needs of different people.
- Having a range of local amenities nearby needs to be a priority with overall support for a 20 minute neighbourhood approach.
- Importance of delivering a range of homes that are affordable.
- Needs to be as much green space as possible but they need to be fit for different uses and be inclusive.
- Suggested a range of place names.
We did
We would like to thank everyone who responded to the consultation and attended the events.
We have revised the WEPFSM and we took it to Planning Committee on 19 December 2023 where it was approved. You can see all the associated papers (including the consultation report) and view the webcast of the meeting on our Committee meetings webpage.
We considered all the responses and took them into account when thinking about the revised version of the WEPFSM.
The main changes were:
- Ensuring active travel and public transport remain core to the WEPFSM; and that the roads, path network and connections support this approach.
- Recognising the needs of everyone within the future community in terms of open space, uses and services.
- Adjusting the Airport area so uses such as town centre are not shown within it.
- More developed options for the Gogar Burn.
- Making the WEPFSM more concise and improving the illustrations
- Making the phasing requirements clearer
The WEPFSM is now planning guidance that will shape the future development of West Edinburgh as required by Place Policy 16 in City Plan 2030. It will be a material consideration as future planning applications come forward for the area.
Results updated 16 Jan 2024
Thank you to those who responded to our consultation. Feedback helped shape the final design of the West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework and Strategic Masterplan. This was approved at Planning Committee on 19 December. Read the committee report and consultation results.
View the approved West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework and Strategic Masterplan.
View context information for West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework and Strategic Masterplan.
We are planning to create a new neighbourhood along the A8 corridor, next to Edinburgh Airport. This will have around 11,000 new homes alongside shops, schools, healthcare, leisure facilities and other things people will need.
We will also make sure it is well connected, providing active travel links and public transport to the surrounding areas and the rest of the city.
We consulted on the principle of development as part of City Plan 2030. We are now asking for your views on how to develop this new community.
On 14 June 2023, the Council’s Planning Committee approved the West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework and Strategic Masterplan as a draft for consultation.
The area has been the focus for potential development over several years, for example with the International Business Gateway and Airport expansion.
City Plan 2030 is Edinburgh’s proposed Local Development Plan. It sets out policies and proposals for how land in Edinburgh should be developed and used. Place Policy 16 in City Plan 2030 now identifies this area of West Edinburgh as a new urban quarter of Edinburgh.
This questionnaire explores some of the key issues. We welcome your views. We will use your feedback to produce the final Framework, which we will present to Planning Committee for approval.
Need a different language or format?
Please email the Interpretation and Translation Service at its@edinburgh.gov.uk quoting reference 23-8874.
Drop-in information event at the Marriott Hotel
From 30 Aug 2023 at 15:30 to 30 Aug 2023 at 19:30Location: Marriott Hotel (Findhorn Room) 111 Glasgow Road, Edinburgh EH12 8NF
If you have any accessibility requirements or translation needs, please e-mail: cityplan2030@edinburgh.gov.uk or call 0131 469 6163 -
Webinar via Microsoft Teams
From 7 Sep 2023 at 18:00 to 7 Sep 2023 at 19:30This webinar will provide a general overview of the framework and is specifically aimed towards members of the public and local amenity groups, particularly those who were unable to attend the in-person information event at the Marriott Delta Hotel on 30 August.
Webinar link:
https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/74ce7481-c938-46a0-a8f1-9893534499ff@482a4ef9-66e4-4e76-9f24-6da09a713ed4 -
Webinar via Microsoft Teams
From 15 Sep 2023 at 10:00 to 15 Sep 2023 at 11:30This webinar will provide a general overview of the framework and is specifically aimed towards consultees, particularly those who’ve been unable to attend the other sessions.
All stakeholders are encouraged to submit responses via the Council’s Consultation Hub, either via the Online survey or in writing to cityplan2030@edinburgh.gov.uk
Webinar Link:
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