Survey: consultation on the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board draft strategic plan
We would like you to share your views on the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board's draft strategic plan More Good Days. The plan will set the direction of the Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership for the next three years, and lay the foundations for health and social care provision in Edinburgh. Please take some time to read the plan. There is also an executive summary and easy read option. You can find all three documents below. Let us know what you think by answering the questions on the next page.
All feedback is valuable and we will consider every response when we write the next draft of the strategic plan. We need the experience, skills and knowledge of the citizens of Edinburgh to create an informed and effective plan for the future of health and social care in the city.
Give us your views
- All Edinburgh
- Homeless People
- People with long term conditions
- People with disabilities
- Minority Ethnic groups
- Carers
- Jobseekers
- Low income households
- Older people
- Businesses
- Children & Young People
- Civil and public servants
- Elected Members
- Lesbian, gay, bisexual people, Transgender people (LGBT)
- Men
- Parents/carers
- Professionals
- Residents
- Students
- Voluntary sector/volunteers
- Women
- Community councils
- Housing associations
- Adults and Older People
- Carers
- Children and Families
- Disabilities
- Health and Wellbeing
- Paying for Care
- Poverty and Inequality
- People with mental health issues
- People with addictions
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