Planning Guidance - Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas
This document set out the Council’s expectations for work:
- to a listed building
- within the grounds of a listed building
- within a conservation area.
Multiple sections may be relevant to the work being undertaken. Careful consideration should be given to each of these.
To check whether your property is listed or in a designated area, use The City of Edinburgh Council Atlas or Historic Environment Scotland Designations Map Search.
Are you the owner-occupier of a listed building or property in a conservation area in Edinburgh?
The University of Edinburgh is running a project in parallel with this consultation called "Giving Voices to Historic Property Owners". Some questions in the Council's consultation survey are open-ended. This means you will need to type or write in the boxes provided. If you would like to expand on your answers or give additional feedback in a conversation setting, you can sign up to participate in a focus group and/or workshop with the University. If you are interested, you can visit the project information page to sign-up. This same link will be provided again at the end of the survey.
Why your views matter
We want the guidance to help people understand what we require for the various types of developments. We want the outcome of development to be good for all users. To do this, we want to make sure the content is clear, helpful, and balanced.
Read the draft guidance
Draft Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas Guidance
Need a different language or format?
Please email the Interpretation and Translation Service at quoting reference 24-1284.
Give us your views
- All Edinburgh
- Businesses
- Residents
- Road users
- Amenity groups
- Architects/designers
- Built heritage groups
- Community councils
- Developers/investors
- Development management statutory consultees
- Development planning key agencies
- Housing associations
- Landowners
- Natural heritage/open space
- Neighbourhood partnerships
- Planning consultants
- Professional bodies
- Scottish Government departments
- Policies, plans and strategies
- Flooding
- Severe weather
- Biodiversity
- Landscape designations
- Nature
- Council and housing association homes
- Private housing
- Council homes
- Archives and local history
- Building warrants
- Conservation
- Enforcement
- Land and property
- Local plans and guidelines
- Planning applications
- Permissions for development
- Area regeneration
- Public space
- Sustainability
- Net Zero
- Adaptation
- Climate Change
- Carbon emissions
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