Buckstone Terrace Pedestrian Crossing Proposals

Closed 26 Mar 2017

Opened 22 Feb 2017

Results updated 28 Apr 2017

Thank you for taking the time to respond to the recent consultation carried out for the proposed pedestrian crossing on Buckstone Terrace.  There were a high number of positive comments supporting the implementation of a pedestrian crossing at this location, please find enclosed responses to the issues raised during this exercise.

A total of 279 responses were received to this consultation. The details of the preferences expressed are listed below:

Option 1- North of Waterfield Road :                            106

Option 2 - South of Waterfield Road:                          168

                                   Not Answered:                                5


Following consideration of the preferences expressed and the comments arising from the consultation, we now propose to progress with Option 2 (South of Waterfield Road).

The next step is to undertake detailed design work. We anticipate that it should be possible to have this crossing constructed within the next 8-10 months.

The attached PDF addresses the issues raised through this consultation.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require additional information on this proposal.

Stacey Monteith-Skelton

Senior Engineer (Road Safety)



The Council proposes to install a puffin crossing in the vicinity of Buckstone Terrace and Waterfield Road. Preliminary plans have been developed and we now wish to obtain the views of local people on the proposals.

Why your views matter

There are two potential locations for the crossing:

·         Option 1 is to locate the crossing to the north of Waterfield Road, which would require the bus stop on the west side of Buckstone Terrace to be re-located southwards, opposite the bus stop on the east side

·         Option 2 is to locate the crossing to the south of Waterfield Road. Under this option there would be no need to move the bus stop

We would like to know which of the two proposals the community prefer. PDF copies of the plans can be found below under the 'Related' heading.

What happens next

We will analyse the responses and provide an update on the outcome of the consultation to everyone who has responded.


  • Natural neighbourhood area - Fairmilehead/Swanston
  • Neigbourhood Partnership - Pentlands
  • Ward 8 - Colinton/Fairmilehead


  • Residents
  • Road users
  • Community councils
  • Neighbourhood partnerships


  • Cycling and walking
  • Public Transport
  • Roads and pavements
  • Road safety
  • Travel in Edinburgh