Developer Contributions Supplementary Guidance

Closes 17 Sep 2024


We have seperated this consultation into different parts so you can choose which topic you want to answer questions on. 

Page Response
Your details (Required)
percent complete
0 of 3 questions answered
About you
percent complete
0 of 3 questions answered
Part 1: Introduction and Purpose
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
Managing New Infrastructure
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
What types of infrastructure, what type of development it applies to and any exceptions
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
Relationship with Action (Delivery) Programme
percent complete
0 of 2 questions answered
Contribution Zone approach
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
How the infrastructure requirements can be reviewed?
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
Viability and Funding Mechanism
percent complete
0 of 2 questions answered
Legal Agreements and use of monies
percent complete
0 of 9 questions answered
Part 2: Education
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
Methodology to consider the impact on education infrastructure
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
Per Unit Rate Formulas
percent complete
0 of 2 questions answered
Apportioning the costs of delivering new infrastructure
percent complete
0 of 2 questions answered
Part 3: Transport This page has no questions
Transport Overview, Policy Context and Evidence Base
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
Contribution Zones – Principle
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
New Active Travel Contribution Zone
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
Granton Framework
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
New Proposed West Edinburgh Zone
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
Shared mobility (Car Sharing Schemes and Mobility Hubs)
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
Car Sharing Schemes
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) and Land costs
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
Bus Infrastructure
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
Existing Transport Contribution Zones
percent complete
0 of 2 questions answered
Part 4: Healthcare This page has no questions
Healthcare Overview, Policy Context and Evidence Base
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
Apportioning the costs of delivering new infrastructure
percent complete
0 of 3 questions answered
Part 5: Green-Blue Infrastructure (Green Blue Network and Public Realm) This page has no questions
Green- Blue Infrastructure Overview, Policy Context and Evidence Base
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
Methodology and Calculation Process
percent complete
0 of 2 questions answered
Public Realm
percent complete
0 of 2 questions answered
City Centre Contributions Zone
percent complete
0 of 3 questions answered
Open Space Ongoing Maintenance
percent complete
0 of 2 questions answered
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
Format of Supplementary Guidance
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered