Granton Waterfront Learning Strategy Consultation

Closed 31 Jan 2022

Opened 11 Nov 2021

Feedback expected 31 Mar 2022


About this survey
This survey is being conducted by the City of Edinburgh Council in partnership with learning providers across North Edinburgh.

We would like to invite people who live, study and work in North Edinburgh [Muirhouse, Wester Drylaw, West Pilton, Granton, Royston and Wardieburn] to complete this survey to tell us about what they want to learn, where learning could take place, why they learn, how they learn best and how their learning experience could be improved.

This survey will help us to plan and improve learning and opportunities in your community. Your ideas are important to us, so we appreciate you taking time to answer these questions.

Why are we consulting?
The regeneration of Granton Waterfront marks a major investment in the area, alongside which, a Learning Strategy for Granton and the surrounding areas has been developed. As part of the regeneration programme, the Council is undertaking a learning consultation in North Edinburgh to help inform how local learning provision can better respond to and reflect local needs.

What we would like to know?
We are trying to find out about local peoples’ experience, passions, aspirations and ambitions for learning.

The broad themes of the consultation are:

  • Why….is learning important to you? How does it affect you and your life?
  • What…you would like to learn about and what is important to you?
  • Where…could learning take place? What should these spaces look like and feel like?
  • How…do you learn best? What things help you learn? What things make it harder to learn?

This could involve adult learning in a range of ways and places, such as:

  • in communities
  • at home
  • in colleges
  • online
  • in the workplace

Why your views matter

We will use the information you provide, along with our partners, to make decisions on how to further develop and implement key actions from the Granton Waterfront Learning Strategy. No personal data will be stored or shared with partners.

What happens next

A report will with the consultation findings will be published in March 2022.


  • Natural neighbourhood area - Granton/Waterfont
  • Natural neighbourhood area - Granton/West Pilton
  • Natural neighbourhood area - Muirhouse
  • Natural neighbourhood area - Pilton/Royston
  • Natural neighbourhood area - Trinity
  • Natural neighbourhood area - Wardie Bay
  • Neigbourhood Partnership - Forth
  • Ward 4 - Forth


  • Residents
  • Teaching/Educational staff
  • Community councils
  • Education institutions
  • Libraries
  • Neighbourhood partnerships
  • Young people


  • All interests