Granton Waterfront - Western Villages
The Council owns around 120 acres of developable land within the Granton Waterfront area, creating a unique opportunity to work with key partners and the local residents to deliver an exemplar regeneration. Previous failed attempts to develop Granton highlight the importance of a joined up approach.
In February 2020 the Council approved a Development Framework which sets out the vision and key principles that will serve as guidance for all those who wish to develop in the area. This will enable the Council to ensure placemaking is at the heart of development while championing low carbon transport, active travel and sustainable development, supporting the Council’s recent commitment to achieve net zero carbon by 2030 and the emerging themes of the City Mobility Strategy and City Plan 2030.
Within the Framework, cultural hubs, business start-up space, new jobs and high-quality homes are brought together to create a diverse and exciting place. The regeneration of Granton Waterfront provides an unmissable opportunity for Scotland’s capital city to set the standard for sustainable growth, marking a stepped change in how development can influence how we go about our daily lives.
Western Villages marks the first phase of Council led development within the framework area and offers the opportunity to build on the vision and principles set out earlier this year by providing vibrant mixed tenure homes.
A Pre Planning Application Consultation Live Q&A digital event with project team will also be held Tuesday 3rd November 2020, 3pm - 6pm.
Why your views matter
The Council has submitted a Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) to the planning authority for the construction of housing within the Granton Waterfront Development Framework area.
As a major application Pre Application Consultation (PAC) must be carried out. The aim is that local communities are made aware of proposals at an early stage, and have the opportunity to comment to the prospective applicant before the proposal is finalised and an application for planning permission is made.
The COVID-19 emergency means it is not currently possible to hold public meetings without unacceptably posing a significant risk to public health. So that planning applications can continue to be submitted, the Scottish Government has put in place legislation to temporarily suspend the requirement for a public event in relation to Pre-Application Consultation (PAC).
What happens next
Following the Pre Application Consultion and report will be drafted on the views gathered and the planning application will be submitted.
Once the application is made to the planning authority, the various planning application consultation and publicity requirements will apply, and anyone can make comment to the planning authority on the proposal.
Western Villages Live Q&A Digital Event
From 3 Nov 2020 at 15:00 to 3 Nov 2020 at 18:00Pre Planning Application Consultation.
Live Q&A digital event with project team.
Join live event here:
- Natural neighbourhood area - Granton/Waterfont
- Natural neighbourhood area - Granton/West Pilton
- Neigbourhood Partnership - Forth
- Ward 4 - Forth
- Anyone from any background
- Council and housing association homes
- Private housing
- Council homes
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