Guidance for Householders Update

Closed 2 Jun 2017

Opened 10 Apr 2017

Feedback updated 24 Aug 2017

We asked

What you thought of our proposed amendments to the Guidance for Householders and how we could improve it further.

You said

Most feedback was supportive of the changes to the Guidance.  There were some suggestions for minor alterations and clarifications.

We did

We reported the feedback and actions to the 17 August Planning Committee and made some amendments to the final version of the Guidance approved by Committee.  The Guidance is now approved and will be used to assist in assessing householder planning applications.  It can be viewed on the Council website.


The Council provides Guidance for Householders to assist people considering altering or extending their house.  The Guidance interprets policies of the Edinburgh Local Development Plan and sets out things you should consider when making changes to your home.

Why your views matter

We are seeking the views of all those who use the Guidance for Householders on our proposed amendments.  These include additional guidance on self-contained extensions, bungalow extensions and roof terracing as well as other minor amendments to the text. We’d also like to hear any other suggestions to improve the Guidance.

It is advised that you first read the full PDF of the draft Guidance before completing the survey.  Specific sections of the guidance will also be provided throughout the survey.


  • All Areas


  • Elected Members
  • Residents
  • Amenity groups
  • Architects/designers
  • Built heritage groups
  • Community councils
  • Developers/investors
  • Development management statutory consultees
  • Development planning key agencies
  • Housing associations
  • Neighbourhood partnerships
  • Planning consultants
  • Professional bodies


  • Building warrants
  • Conservation
  • Enforcement
  • Land and property
  • Local plans and guidelines
  • Planning applications
  • Permissions for development
  • Area regeneration