Review of Edinburgh Design Guidance

Closed 16 Jun 2017

Opened 10 Apr 2017

Feedback updated 9 Nov 2017

We asked

What you thought of our proposed amendments to the Edinburgh Design Guidance, and how we could improve it further.

You said

Feedback tended to concentrate on the revised Parking Standards, and new Guidance for Build to Rent housing, and clearly demonstrated net support for the proposals, though key concerns were raised.

We did

The Edinburgh Design Guidance now better reflects and addresses the key concerns raised (for example, the explicit need for parking surveys to be undertaken by applicants to assess/reduce parking overspill onto surrounding streets). The key concerns, and how these would be mitigated, were presented to/discussed with the Planning Committee, prior to them approving the revised Edinburgh Design Guidance.  The revised guidance can be found on the Council website.


The Edinburgh Design Guidance (the Guidance) was originally approved in May 2013.  We are now updating it to reflect changes in local and national policy and would like to hear from you.

We are proposing a range of changes across the Guidance, with key changes centred on the Council’s Parking Standards, advice on Build to Rent Housing, and designation of protected views to the Forth Bridge.

We would like to hear your views on these important areas, as well as on the broader changes we are considering.

Why your views matter

By working with stakeholders from the development industry, residents associations and community groups we hope to ensure the Guidance will help to create better places to live and work.

Please refer to the draft revised Edinburgh Design Guidance before completing the online survey below.

What happens next

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.  Your views will be included in a report to the Council's Planning Committee in Autumn 2017.



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