Closed activities

521 results

  • Prestonfield Road and Priestfield Road Improvements

    The Council is proposing to introduce street trees along both Priestfield Road and Prestonfield Road and resurface both roads in their entirety. New footway build-outs will also be introduced at various locations to provide greater footway space and reduce crossing widths. We’re also proposing to improve the rear entrance to Prestonfield Primary School, by widening the footways and closing a section of the road between Clearburn Road and Clearburn Gardens to all vehicles,... More
    Closed 20 October 2024
  • Short-Term Lets 2024

    Since the introduction of a licensing scheme for short-term lets in October 2022, the Council has received over 4,000 applications. The Regulatory Committee agreed to review the short-term lets licensing policy in Edinburgh. As a result of the Civic Government Scotland Act 1982 (Licensing of Short Term Lets) Order 2022 being passed by the Scottish Parliament, local authorities in Scotland were required to introduce a mandatory licensing scheme for properties operating as... More
    Closed 14 October 2024
  • New Gilmerton Station Road Primary School

    The Council is proposing the establishment of a new non-denominational primary school and nursery on a site in the Gilmerton Station Road housing development in South East Edinburgh. Your views will help inform the final decisions about the delivery of a new school and its catchment area. The catchment changes proposed affect Gilmerton Primary School, Liberton High School, and Gracemount High School. The consultation paper sets out the rationale for, and... More
    Closed 3 October 2024
  • New Granton Waterfront Primary School

    The Council is proposing the establishment of a new non-denominational primary school and nursery in the Granton Waterfront Development area in the north of Edinburgh. A catchment area for the new school formed from sections of Pirniehall and Granton Primary Schools existing catchments is proposed. It is also proposed that the new primary school is aligned with Craigroyston Community High School. The catchment changes proposed also include a realignment of... More
    Closed 3 October 2024
  • Survey: consultation on the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board draft strategic plan

    We would like you to share your views on the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board's draft strategic plan More Good Days . The plan will set the direction of the Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership for the next three y ears, and lay the foundations for health and social care provision in Edinburgh. Please take some time to read the plan. There is also an executive summary and easy read option. You can find all three documents below. Let us know what you think by... More
    Closed 30 September 2024
  • Developer Contributions Supplementary Guidance

    Planning has recently produced draft Supplementary Guidance on Infrastructure and Developer Contributions. It was approved for consultation by Planning Committee on 26 June 2024. Edinburgh is continuing to change and grow through new development and this is placing heavy demand on services and infrastructure. As the population rises, it is important that there is, for example, adequate education facilities, health services and travel infrastructure for people living and... More
    Closed 17 September 2024
  • Mòr-ionad Gàidhlig airson Dùn Èideann / Gaelic hub for Edinburgh

    Os-shealladh Tha an suirbhidh seo ag amas air sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air na cothroman air ‘mòr-ionad’ Gàidhlig a stèidheachadh airson Dùn Èideann – àite sòisealta is cultarail far am b’ urrainn do luchd-labhairt is luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann tighinn còmhla airson diofar sheòrsaichean ghnìomhachdan is thachartasan Gàidhlig. Tha an suirbhidh seo ga chur air dòigh le Ionad Gàidhlig Dhùn Èideann, buidheann carthannais a tha ag amas air... More
    Closed 16 September 2024
  • Community Payback Consultation 2024

    We want to hear your views on Community Payback Orders (CPO). These are given out by the Court to people to pay for their crimes as an alternative to a prison sentence. In particular, we want to know what you think about the unpaid work part of a CPO, which replaced community service in 2011. This is when an individual who has committed an offence does unpaid work within the community. Do you have any experience of people doing unpaid work in... More
    Closed 9 September 2024
  • City Plan 2040 - Draft Participation Statement

    This survey is asking you (or your organisation) on the best ways to keep you informed and to get you involved in City Plan 2040. Why Local Development Plans Matter We are at the very early stage of preparing City Plan 2040 which will be our next local development plan after City Plan 2030. A local development plan is an important planning document. It guides how Edinburgh changes and grows; and how we respond to key concerns such as providing... More
    Closed 31 August 2024
  • Firework Control Zones

    We are considering putting in place Firework Control Zones in Edinburgh and we would like your views on this. A Firework Control Zone will mean that certain fireworks will no longer be permitted to be set off in these areas. It will also be a crime under the Fireworks and Pyrotechnics Act Scotland 2022 , enforceable by law, by which you can be arrested if you set off a firework in a Fireworks Control Zone. Read more about Firework Control Zones . To give us your views,... More
    Closed 23 August 2024
  • Community Councils Scheme and Boundary Review - phase 3

    Community Councils are voluntary organisations set up by statute by the Local Authority to act on behalf of their areas. They are involved in a range of activities which promote and protect the well-being and identity of their communities; and help bring local people together to make things happen. They advise, petition, influence and advocate numerous causes and cases of concern on behalf of local communities. Edinburgh currently has 46 community council areas. All local authorities... More
    Closed 21 August 2024
  • Tenant Participation Strategy 2024 - 2027

    It’s important that tenants feel able to influence and have a say on the housing services they receive. We want to understand how we can better support tenants’ participation in developing services and what opportunities or ways you would like to get involved. Our previous Tenant Participation Strategy (TPS) focused on four broad principles: Tenants know the different ways they can become involved Tenants can take part and... More
    Closed 17 August 2024
  • Seafield Regeneration Stage 2 Engagement

    The City of Edinburgh Council has identified Seafield as a potential site for housing-led redevelopment. The council have included the site in City Plan 2030 . The plan identifies the need for a masterplan to help unlock this potential. This is to ensure that there is a co-ordinated approach to creating a successful, sustainable new neighbourhood. The council appointed 7N Architects to create this masterplan. 7N have been working with the council and representatives of the local... More
    Closed 2 August 2024
  • West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework Amendments

    The West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework and Strategic Masterplan covers the area along the A8 corridor, south of Edinburgh Airport. This will be a whole new area of Edinburgh with shops, schools, services, public transport, health care, parks, sports facilities – things that people need in their everyday life. The West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework and Strategic Masterplan will guide that new development. It went out for engagement in 2023 and the Framework... More
    Closed 1 August 2024
  • Budget Engagement 2024

    The City of Edinburgh Council wants to hear resident views on: Where we can save money; Where we are doing well; and Where we need to improve. Your feedback and suggestions will help us to develop proposals to balance our budget. They will also help Councillors to understand your needs and priorities when they make decisions about how to spend the city's budget. More
    Closed 28 July 2024
  • Keep the Faith - Representing Faith and Religion in Museums and Galleries Edinburgh (visitor survey)

    Keep the Faith - Representing Faith and Religion in Museums and Galleries Edinburgh - is a new project recently launched by Museums and Galleries Edinburgh with the aim of expanding our faith collections to make them more representative of religious life across the city. We are asking our visitors to share their views on this and would love to hear your thoughts. Need a different language or format? Please email the Interpretation and Translation... More
    Closed 21 July 2024
  • Representing Faith and Religion in Museums and Galleries Edinburgh

    Museums & Galleries Edinburgh is a collection of 13 venues and over 200 monuments across Edinburgh. Our vision is to inspire, enthuse and provoke through a shared passion for Edinburgh, Art and History. Our nine major visitor attractions are the City Art Centre; Lauriston Castle; Museum of Childhood; Museum of Edinburgh; Nelson Monument; People’s Story; Queensferry Museum; Scott Monument and Writers’ Museum. We house rich and varied collections relating to the historical and cultural... More
    Closed 21 July 2024
  • Connecting Granton Waterfront

    The regeneration of Granton Waterfront is a residential led, mixed use development that includes: 3,500 mixed tenure homes; a new primary school; a new health centre; retail and leisure opportunities, that will link with new and existing cultural facilities; and business space. These will be tied together with high quality public realm and green spaces connecting new and existing communities to the wider city and Edinburgh’s Waterfront through active and... More
    Closed 16 July 2024
  • Dalry - Living Well Locally

    The 'Dalry - Living Well Locally' project aims to improve Dalry and its town centre to make it greener, healthier and more thriving. Fig.1 Map of the project area Our ideas have been designed to make it easier to access local shops, schools, services and public transport, with wider pavements and better cycling provision. We also want to create a more attractive place to spend time, with trees, planting, public art and opportunities to rest. To... More
    Closed 26 June 2024
  • Physical Activity and Sport Strategy for Edinburgh

    We would like to hear your views on the draft Physical Activity and Sport Strategy for Edinburgh. Our vision is to create an Edinburgh where everyone enjoys the benefits of an active life. Because we know that the more active we are, the healthier we become both physically and mentally, the stronger our communities and the more inclusive our city. The draft strategy aims to tackle inequality, promote inclusion and reduce health inequality. It is... More
    Closed 26 June 2024
  • Edinburgh's Local Housing Strategy

    Edinburgh’s Local Housing Strategy will cover all tenures and types of housing and will set out the priorities for delivering housing and related services. It is a statutory requirement that local authorities produce a Local Housing Strategy. The City of Edinburgh Council’s Enabling and Partnerships Team are leading the research, development and monitoring of Edinburgh's Local Housing Strategy. Your views and feedback will be sought throughout 2024 and t he final... More
    Closed 14 June 2024
  • Victoria Park's Bowling Greens

    The Thriving Green Spaces team in City of Edinburgh Council are currently developing proposals for unused Bowling Greens in parks throughout the city. This includes Victoria Park’s bowling greens. The team has delivered several consultation sessions. Drawing from this feedback, we have developed several ideas for how these spaces could be improved and re-integrated back into the park. Our landscape architects have visually developed these ideas further, and at this stage the City of... More
    Closed 8 June 2024
  • St Margaret's Park's Bowling Green

    The Thriving Green Spaces team at the City of Edinburgh Council are currently developing proposals for unused Bowling Greens in parks throughout the city. This includes St Margaret’s Park’s bowling green. The team has delivered several consultation sessions. Drawing from this feedback, we have developed several ideas for how these spaces could be improved and re-integrated back into the park. Our landscape architects have visually developed these ideas further, and at this stage the... More
    Closed 8 June 2024
  • Granton Waterfront Heritage Survey

    Granton Waterfront has a fascinating history and heritage. It is home to a number of valuable heritage artefacts, buildings and places and has been an important centre for the maritime, manufacturing and energy industries. There are distinctive historic buildings and heritage landscapes across the area that we want to preserve, restore and refurbish for the local community – and further afield - to enjoy. In May 2023, the Council received funding from the National Lottery... More
    Closed 29 May 2024
  • Proposed Gilmerton Station Road Primary School

    The Local Development Plan 2016 and increased housing in the area has highlighted the requirement for a new primary school at Gilmerton Station Road. This project brings exciting opportunities to explore ways in which the new school can support community use and align with the Council's Corporate Property Strategy . At this stage in the process, we want to hear your views on what would benefit the wider community and encourage use of the new school as more than... More
    Closed 20 May 2024
  • Overprovision of Licensed Premises

    The Licensing Board is carrying out an assessment of whether there is overprovision of licensed premises (in relation to the sale of alcohol) in the City of Edinburgh Council area. The Board is keen to hear your views on overprovision of licensed premises including types of premises, size and capacity of premises, and hours of operation within Edinburgh and its localities. They would like as many views as possible and will review every response received. More
    Closed 13 May 2024
  • Greendykes & Wauchope House Communal Heating

    Homes in Greendykes and Wauchope House are heated through a communal heating system. Tenants pay for their heating through a set weekly charge of £6.92, called Heat with Rent (HWR). Every 6 months, information on actual energy use is used to calculate if tenants paid more than they actually used and the Council refund (or abate) the difference. Unfortunately, some meters no longer work and accurate billing cannot be provided. When this happens, an average abatement is provided... More
    Closed 10 May 2024
  • Draft Climate Ready Edinburgh Plan (New climate change adaptation plan for the city)

    We would like to hear your views on the draft Climate Ready Edinburgh plan. Read the draft Climate Ready Edinburgh plan . The plan explains why we need to adapt our city to the impacts of climate change including the most up-to-date projections of how Edinburgh’s climate is likely to change in the future, the impacts of this and the implications this has for the city. It then sets out what we are already doing and planning to do to adapt the city through... More
    Closed 6 May 2024
  • Developing our British Sign Language Plan for 2024-2030

    The British Sign Language (BSL) National Plan was published by Scottish Government in November 2023. The British Sign Language (Scotland) Act 2015 requires all local authorities in Scotland to publish their own plan, showing how they will promote, and facilitate the promotion of the use and understanding of BSL in Scotland. These plans will take account of local circumstances and consider how best to respond to BSL users’ needs within local communities, organisations or services. ... More
    Closed 5 May 2024
  • Edinburgh's vision for inclusive education for children and young people

    The City of Edinburgh Council want inclusion to lie at the heart of the culture, ethos and practise in all learning establishments, where all children and young people’s needs are met in local schools where they access learning and a curriculum that meets their individual needs. Our vision for inclusion In Edinburgh every child or young person irrespective of identity, background or ability is part of a resilient and positive learning community where... More
    Closed 5 May 2024
521 results. Page 1 of 18