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541 results

  • Developer Contributions and Affordable Housing Guidance

    The Second Proposed Local Development Plan (LDP June 2014) sets out a new approach to developer contributions and the delivery of infrastructure linked closely with the second proposed Action Programme (Updated May 2105). The second proposed Action Programme sets out the infrastructure, including education, transport, and greenspace actions, required to help mitigate the impact of strategic and planned growth and to deliver the proposals identified within the Plan. Policies Del1... More
    Closed 25 September 2015
  • Measuring quality in Edinburgh's built environment (City Centre and South)

    This survey gives you the chance to let us know what you think about the quality of some new or changed buildings in the City Centre and South of Edinburgh. The survey includes ten short video-clips and it takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. The survey asks two questions: How well does the building or site fit with its surroundings? How attractive is the building (or site)? More
    Closed 31 August 2015
  • Measuring quality in Edinburgh's built environment (South West and Pentlands)

    This survey gives you the chance to let us know what you think about the quality of some new or changed buildings in South West Edinburgh and Pentlands. The survey includes six short video-clips and it takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. The survey asks two questions: How well does the building or site fit with its surroundings? How attractive is the building (or site)? More
    Closed 31 August 2015
  • Measuring quality in Edinburgh's built environment (East Edinburgh)

    This survey gives you the chance to let us know what you think about the quality of some new or changed buildings in the East of Edinburgh. The survey includes seven short video-clips and it takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. The survey asks two questions: How well does the building or site fit with its surroundings? How attractive is the building (or site)? More
    Closed 31 August 2015
  • Measuring quality in Edinburgh's built environment (North and West)

    This survey gives you the chance to let us know what you think about the quality of some new or changed buildings in the North and West of Edinburgh. The survey includes six short video-clips and it takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. The survey asks two questions: How well does the building or site fit with its surroundings? How attractive is the building (or site)? More
    Closed 31 August 2015
  • Consultation on Contribution-based Charging Policy for Adult Social Care

    What is this consultation about? Changes to social care law mean that people will now have a personal budget based on an assessment of their needs. The council wants to hear your views on how we work out how people make a contribution to their personal budget. This is called charging. This consultation is not about how people pay for residential care, like a care home. The consultation gives you some background, using some questions we think you may have and giving you some... More
    Closed 12 July 2015
  • Colinton Mains Park - young people's survey

    The online survey aims to find out more about how local young people use Colinton Mains Park and how they would like to use it in future. The background to the survey is a petition by a group of local young people calling for a skatepark in the park. Although the petition has more than 60 names, the idea of a skatepark was only mentioned once in a consultation involving a series of peer-led discussions with local young people about what they would like to see in the area. The... More
    Closed 10 July 2015
  • Inclusive Edinburgh - Review of services for people with complex needs

    Edinburgh is a city of contrasts, with high levels of both prosperity and poverty. It is vibrant, culturally diverse and exciting, but with areas of significant inequality and deprivation. ‘Inclusive Edinburgh’ is being set up to tackle some of the problems faced by people with complex needs. People who may struggle with homelessness, unemployment, drug and alcohol problems, mental or physical ill-health, who sometimes get involved in crime, and who are often the victims of violence.... More
    Closed 1 July 2015
  • Towerbank Primary Catchment Changes

    There are now a lot more young children in Portobello and Joppa than ten years ago. The local school Towerbank Primary is much busier. More pupils start primary 1 than leave P7 every year. The building is nearly full and there is a limit to how many classes that we can run. If we make the Towerbank catchment area smaller there will be fewer pupils in it. That will help us to keep the number of pupils at a level where the school has enough space to give pupils the best opportunities for... More
    Closed 22 June 2015
  • Care at Home Contract

    The City of Edinburgh Council held a consultation meeting with providers on Tuesday 19th May 2015 on the Specification of Requirements for the new Care at Home contract. The Council would welcome comments from interested parties and you are requested to respond by Monday 8 th June 2015. More
    Closed 8 June 2015
  • Flood Risk Management

    The Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009 has been introduced which promotes a proactive approach to Flood Risk Management. All possible sources of flooding are now being identified and possible areas of flooding considered on a catchment wide basis to ensure that any action taken does not merely move the problem of flooding to another part of the river or the wider catchment area. We are jointly consulting with the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) on the future... More
    Closed 2 June 2015
  • Out of School Care Survey

    The City of Edinburgh Council would like to find out what parents and carers think about out of school care services – after school clubs, breakfast clubs, holiday provision and child minders. We'd like to know which services parents/carers use, what they think about them and if there is anything they would like to see changed. The following survey is for parents and carers of children/young people from Primary 1 to Secondary 6 only. More
    Closed 27 May 2015
  • Public Toilets survey

    The City of Edinburgh Council has taken a step back from implementing a £600,000 reduction for the Public Conveniences budget, which would have resulted in the closure of 22 public toilets across the city. However, a budget decision was taken in 2011 to remove £300,000 from the service budget within the 2015/2016 financial year. This means that around 10 public toilets will still need to be closed. Over 60 publicly accessible toilets have been identified in Council buildings across the... More
    Closed 25 May 2015
  • New Fountainbridge Park

    Regular users of the Union Canal Towpath will have noticed a lot of construction activity near the eastern part of the canal. The site between Gibson Terrace and Viewforth is where the new Boroughmuir High School is being built, opening in August 2016. Part of the contract to build the school involves provision of a new “linear” park, running parallel to the canal towpath, from the top of Gibson Terrace to where the school boundary will be. The park will be in place by summer 2015. ... More
    Closed 27 April 2015
  • Student Housing in Edinburgh

    This issues paper presents background research on student housing. It asks for your views to inform a revision in how the Council manages the housing requirements of the city’s growing number of students. It specifically asks about the support given to: the growth of learning in the city, meeting needs through purpose-built student accommodation; and how this accommodation is distributed across the city. More
    Closed 24 April 2015
  • Proposed changes to licensing conditions for second hand dealers

    The Council has proposed certain changes to the licensing requirements for second hand dealers. The proposed conditions cover all second hand dealers, including those dealing in clothing and textiles. The proposed conditions aim to help to modernise and improve the Licensing Service. More
    Closed 22 April 2015
  • Leith Decides - your views on taking part

    Each year Leith Neighbourhood Partnership gives the decision-making power on the allocation of community grants over the people of Leith in a programme called £eith decides. The fifth £eith decides took place in February when 1,625 people made the decision to allocate £22,092 to 25 local projects in grants of up to £1,000. More
    Closed 12 April 2015
  • Saughton Park Master Plan Proposals

    The Council has been working with the Royal Caledonian Horticulture Society, the Friends of Saughton Park and the local community to develop plans to improve Saughton Park. The proposals aim to revitalise the park and include the restoration of the walled gardens, bandstand and winter gardens. The derelict stable block and yard will be developed into new visitor facilities with a café and public toilets, courtyard event space, community venue, teaching gardens and office space for... More
    Closed 6 April 2015
  • Summary only: Integrated Services for Children and Young People

    The City of Edinburgh Council and NHS Lothian Board know that we can do more to bring children and young people’s health, education and social work services together and manage them in a more joined-up way. Edinburgh has lots of services for children, young people, parents and carers including clinics, nurseries, schools, community centres and health centres. We know that these services are not always in the best places, appointments are not always at the best time and activities... More
    Closed 31 March 2015
  • Change to Licensing Conditions for Taxis and Private Hire Cars – December 2014

    The City of Edinburgh Council has to consult on proposals to change the standard Licensing Conditions for Taxis, Private Hire Cars, Taxi Drivers and Private Hire Car Drivers, to consider whether the existing conditions should be altered. A report was presented to the Council's Regulatory Committee on 17 November 2014 regarding the proposed changes to conditions. The proposals concern a change in the way that engine performance capabilities are calculated; and ask whether electrically... More
    Closed 9 March 2015
  • School Streets Project- Proposed Experimental Traffic Regulation Order - Prohibition of Vehicular Traffic (During School Travel Periods)

    The Council is seeking the views of stakeholders and the public on its school streets proposal. This will introduce school streets at 11 primary schools across Edinburgh for a period of 18 months. These locations have been experiencing on going road safety issues caused by drivers bringing their vehicles too close to the school gates. The benefits of implementing school streets are: Increase in walking and cycling and active lifestyles for pupils and parents/carers ... More
    Closed 27 February 2015
  • Summary only: Leith Economic Framework

    Summary During 2014, the Council carried out an analysis of future jobs potential in Leith. The study sits within the Council’s Economic Strategy: A Strategy for Jobs 2012-17. This study looked at: Leith’s distinctiveness as a place Leith’s business potential; and the opportunities for improvement and development. From this, a Leith Economic Framework and Study Report have been put together. Although it is a Council document, the emphasis is on... More
    Closed 27 February 2015
  • Edinburgh Integration Joint Board - draft Integration Scheme

    The Scottish Government has introduced the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 (the Act). It requires that NHS Lothian and The City of Edinburgh Council create a new Integration Authority for Edinburgh with responsibility for delivering the national Health and Wellbeing Outcomes. The Integration Scheme is the document which sets out how the Integration Authority will be established. The Scottish Government requires that the Draft Scheme is: prepared and agreed by... More
    Closed 20 February 2015
  • Summary only: The Lord Provost’s Fair Trade Awards 2015

    Edinburgh is a Fairtrade City (2014 marked 10 years of Fairtrade City status). Each year the city celebrates Fairtrade Fortnight and the Lord Provost presents the Lord Provost Fair Trade Awards. The Awards acknowledge those who have gone the extra mile to support and promote Fair Trade in Edinburgh. There are 5 award categories Fair Trade Achievement Fair Trade Faith Community Fair Trade School Fair Trade Newcomer ‘Small is Beautiful’ ... More
    Closed 13 February 2015
  • Summary only: Review of Community Access to Schools

    The Review of Community Access to Schools began in 2012 with the aim of introducing a more consistent approach to how we manage community access to our schools and to allow the Council to bring greater consistency to charges for use of school facilities across the city. The overall aim of the project is to improve community access and ensure that local communities can benefit from the facilities in their neighbourhoods, particularly the state of the art facilities that are available in... More
    Closed 30 January 2015
  • Summary only: Edinburgh’s Budget Challenge

    The City of Edinburgh Council is facing a budget challenge. We need to change the way we allocate resources across our services and reduce the amount of money we spend each year by 7% by 2018. So we have some decisions to make about where we invest our money and where we need to save. This is your chance to have your say. The Council has launched a consultation on its budget including both specific changes for 2015/16, and a detailed budget planner that can be used... More
    Closed 19 December 2014
  • Queensferry Conservation Area Character Appraisal

    The City of Edinburgh Council is reviewing the Queensferry Conservation Area Character Appraisal. Conservation Area Character Appraisals help to manage change in a conservation area. They describe what is special about each conservation area, and help in making decisions on proposals that affect the area's special character. We are now seeking your views on the revised Queensferry Conservation Area Character Appraisal. More information about the different ways you can get involved is... More
    Closed 1 December 2014
  • Summary only : Hunter's Hall Park - Cycling Hub Options

    The Council is looking to create a cycling hub in Hunter's Hall Park where the Jack Kane Sports Centre and Community Wing is based. This would provide opportunities for adults and young people to develop their cycling ability and help to improve their confidence on the road. It could include facilities such as. You can see pictures of the facilities on the website Flickr by following the links above. Outdoor Velodrome (external link) - for track cycling BMX... More
    Closed 16 November 2014
  • Summary only: Craiglockhart - Developer Funded Traffic Calming

    We are asking for your views on the introduction of traffic calming on four residential streets within the Craiglockhart area. More
    Closed 31 October 2014
  • Summary only :Marchmont to King’s Buildings Cycle Route Consultation

    We are currently developing a scheme to improve cycling conditions between Marchmont and the University of Edinburgh King’s Buildings campus. The scheme is part of the delivery of our Active Travel Action Plan and we welcome your comments on these proposals. The route between Marchmont and King’s Buildings already attracts a significant number of cyclists, many travelling to, and between, the University of Edinburgh’s campuses. These proposals aim to improve conditions for them,... More
    Closed 26 October 2014
  • 20 mph Speed Limits for Edinburgh

    Following a successful pilot in South Edinburgh, the Council is proposing to extend 20 mph speed limits to all residential streets, main shopping areas, city centre streets and roads with high levels of pedestrian and cyclist activity. Further information about the consultation including a map of the proposals and a list of frequently asked questions is available at More
    Closed 17 October 2014
541 results. Page 18 of 18