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18 results

  • Connecting Granton Waterfront

    The regeneration of Granton Waterfront is a residential led, mixed use development that includes: 3,500 mixed tenure homes; a new primary school; a new health centre; retail and leisure opportunities, that will link with new and existing cultural facilities; and business space. These will be tied together with high quality public realm and green spaces connecting new and existing communities to the wider city and Edinburgh’s Waterfront through active and... More
    Closes 16 July 2024
  • Keep the Faith - Representing Faith and Religion in Museums and Galleries Edinburgh (visitor survey)

    Keep the Faith - Representing Faith and Religion in Museums and Galleries Edinburgh - is a new project recently launched by Museums and Galleries Edinburgh with the aim of expanding our faith collections to make them more representative of religious life across the city. We are asking our visitors to share their views on this and would love to hear your thoughts. Need a different language or format? Please email the Interpretation and Translation... More
    Closes 21 July 2024
  • Representing Faith and Religion in Museums and Galleries Edinburgh

    Museums & Galleries Edinburgh is a collection of 13 venues and over 200 monuments across Edinburgh. Our vision is to inspire, enthuse and provoke through a shared passion for Edinburgh, Art and History. Our nine major visitor attractions are the City Art Centre; Lauriston Castle; Museum of Childhood; Museum of Edinburgh; Nelson Monument; People’s Story; Queensferry Museum; Scott Monument and Writers’ Museum. We house rich and varied collections relating to the historical and cultural... More
    Closes 21 July 2024
  • Budget Engagement 2024

    The City of Edinburgh Council wants to hear resident views on: Where we can save money; Where we are doing well; and Where we need to improve. Your feedback and suggestions will help us to develop proposals to balance our budget. They will also help Councillors to understand your needs and priorities when they make decisions about how to spend the city's budget. More
    Closes 28 July 2024
  • Seafield Regeneration Stage 2 Engagement

    The City of Edinburgh Council has identified Seafield as a potential site for housing-led redevelopment. The council have included the site in City Plan 2030 . The plan identifies the need for a masterplan to help unlock this potential. This is to ensure that there is a co-ordinated approach to creating a successful, sustainable new neighbourhood. The council appointed 7N Architects to create this masterplan. 7N have been working with the council and representatives of the local... More
    Closes 31 July 2024
  • Da1ry 1mage page

    Closes 31 July 2024
  • West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework Amendments

    The West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework and Strategic Masterplan covers the area along the A8 corridor, south of Edinburgh Airport. This will be a whole new area of Edinburgh with shops, schools, services, public transport, health care, parks, sports facilities – things that people need in their everyday life. The West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework and Strategic Masterplan will guide that new development. It went out for engagement in 2023 and the Framework... More
    Closes 1 August 2024
  • Tenant Participation Strategy 2024 - 2027

    It’s important that tenants feel able to influence and have a say on the housing services they receive. We want to understand how we can better support tenants’ participation in developing services and what opportunities or ways you would like to get involved. Our previous Tenant Participation Strategy (TPS) focused on four broad principles: Tenants know the different ways they can become involved Tenants can take part and... More
    Closes 17 August 2024
  • City Plan 2040 - Draft Participation Statement

    This survey is asking you (or your organisation) on the best ways to keep you informed and to get you involved in City Plan 2040. Why Local Development Plans Matter We are at the very early stage of preparing City Plan 2040 which will be our next local development plan after City Plan 2030. A local development plan is an important planning document. It guides how Edinburgh changes and grows; and how we respond to key concerns such as providing... More
    Closes 31 August 2024
  • Community Payback Consultation 2024

    We want to hear your views on Community Payback Orders (CPO). These are given out by the Court to people to pay for their crimes as an alternative to a prison sentence. In particular, we want to know what you think about the unpaid work part of a CPO, which replaced community service in 2011. This is when an individual who has committed an offence does unpaid work within the community. Do you have any experience of people doing unpaid work in... More
    Closes 9 September 2024
  • Mòr-ionad Gàidhlig airson Dùn Èideann / Gaelic hub for Edinburgh

    Os-shealladh Tha an suirbhidh seo ag amas air sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air na cothroman air ‘mòr-ionad’ Gàidhlig a stèidheachadh airson Dùn Èideann – àite sòisealta is cultarail far am b’ urrainn do luchd-labhairt is luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann tighinn còmhla airson diofar sheòrsaichean ghnìomhachdan is thachartasan Gàidhlig. Tha an suirbhidh seo ga chur air dòigh le Ionad Gàidhlig Dhùn Èideann, buidheann carthannais a tha ag amas air... More
    Closes 16 September 2024
  • Edinburgh Integration Joint Board Citizen and Carer Representative Recruitment

    Have you had experience of using health or social care services? Or do you care for someone who does? We would like to hear from you! We recruiting citizen and carer representatives for the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board (EIJB). The EIJB was established on 1 April 2016 and is responsible for the strategic planning and commissioning of health and social care services in Edinburgh, and for issuing directions to the City of Edinburgh Council and NHS... More
    Closes 31 January 2025
  • Corstorphine Connections Low Traffic Neighbourhood - Mailing List

    You can sign up for project updates via the link below. We’ll then keep you informed of project progress and events relating to the project and its aims. The Council is delivering this Places For Everyone funded project in partnership with Sustrans and design consultants, AECOM. The information that you share with us will only be used by the Council and these partners to inform the development of this project. At the end of the project all records will be permanently... More
    Closes 31 December 2025
  • West Edinburgh Link Mailing List

    You can sign up for project updates via the link below. We’ll then keep you informed of progress, and events where you can speak directly to the delivery team and offer your views. The Council is delivering this Places for Everyone project (formerly known as Community Links PLUS ) in partnership with Sustrans and design consultants, AECOM. The information that you share with us will only be used by the Council and these partners to inform the development of this project. ... More
    Closes 31 December 2025
  • Meadows to George Street: Streets for People - Mailing List

    You can sign up for project updates via the link below. We’ll then keep you informed of progress, and events where you can speak directly to the delivery team and offer your views. The Council is delivering this Community Links PLUS project in partnership with Sustrans and design consultants, AECOM. The information that you share with us will only be used by the Council and these partners to inform the development of this project. At the end of the project all records... More
    Closes 31 December 2025
  • Scientific Services user feedback

    Thank you for using Edinburgh Scientific Services in the previous year. We are dedicated to improving our service and would be delighted if you could take a few moments to complete our customer satisfaction survey. We value your feedback and will use the survey results to introduce positive change. More
    Closes 1 August 2027
  • Self-build Housing Land Register

    The Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (Section 16E) requires planning authorities to prepare and maintain a list of people interested in acquiring land in the authority’s area for self-build housing, and to publish that information. Self-build housing is where a person commissions or is personally involved in the design and construction of a dwelling intended to be their main residence. If you are interested acquiring land in the Edinburgh... More
    Closes 19 May 2028
  • City Plan 2040 - Mailing List

    You can sign up for updates for City Plan 2040 via the link below. We’ll then keep you informed on progress and the opportunities to get involved in helping to prepare City Plan 2040. We are at the very early stage of preparing City Plan 2040 which will be our next local development plan after City Plan 2030. Edinburgh’s most recent Development Plan Scheme can give you further information. A local development plan is an important... More
    Closes 31 December 2028
18 results. Page 1 of 1