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533 results

  • South Queensferry - walking, wheeling and cycling improvements

    As part of the delivery of the Local Development Plan , we are exploring opportunities for improving walking, wheeling and cycling conditions within South Queensferry. The aim is to create more travel options for your daily trips to school and work as well as other trips in your local community. The Local Development Plan was adopted in November 2016 and includes detail on the policies and proposals that are to be used in delivering future developments for the city and ... More
    Closed 17 July 2022
  • Lochend and Easter Road - walking, wheeling and cycling improvements

    The purpose of this survey is for you to provide us with feedback on the design proposals for local path improvements to the path connection from Moray Park Terrace to Lochend Butterfly Way, and changes to the Easter Road/ Albion Road Junction. The map below shows the two areas our proposals are considering. Please review the proposals before responding to the survey. A summary is provided here with more details available via the Give us your views link... More
    Closed 17 July 2022
  • Walk Wheel Cycle Burdiehouse

    We are developing plans to improve the provision and accessibility of sustainable modes of travel for residents and visitors to the Burdiehouse area including proposed changes to Burdiehouse Road and Frogston Road East. The project builds upon the City of Edinburgh Council’s City Mobility Plan . This aims to help Edinburgh connect through a safer and more inclusive carbon neutral transport system - delivering a healthier, thriving, fairer and compact capital city and a higher... More
    Closed 17 July 2022
  • Reimagining Murrayburn, Hailesland and Dumbryden - People and Places Design Proposals

    Welcome to the ‘MHD People and Places; re-imagining Murrayburn, Hailesland and Dumbryden’ consultation. This work is being carried out by Atkins Landscape Architects on behalf of the City of Edinburgh Council. The brief for this project is to improve the public streets and spaces within the project boundary. A concept design proposal has been developed for the site taking onboard the feedback from the first consultation workshop in November 2021. Feedback from this... More
    Closed 16 July 2022
  • Gracemount High Student Travel Survey June 2022

    Gracemount High is getting active! Being active not only improves your physical and mental health and well being. It has been found to improve concentration and people's ability to learn. In addition, it can reduce traffic congestion and noise and air pollution on the school run and improve the local environment As part of this, we'd like to know about how you travel and if there are any barriers which discourage you from travelling on foot, by bike and by public transport.... More
    Closed 20 June 2022
  • Currie High Student Travel Survey

    Currie High is getting active! Being active not only improves your physical and mental health and well being. It has been found to improve concentration and people's ability to learn. In addition, it can reduce traffic congestion and noise and air pollution on the school run and improve the local environment As part of this, we'd like to know about how you travel and if there are any barriers which discourage you from travelling on foot, by bike and by public transport. ... More
    Closed 20 June 2022
  • Short Term Lets 2022

    As a result of the Civic Government Scotland Act 1982 (Licensing of Short Term Lets) Order 2022 being passed by the Scottish Parliament, local authorities in Scotland must introduce a licensing scheme for properties operating as short term lets. The licensing scheme will start on 1 October 2022 and will cover all short term lets by July 2024. More
    Closed 10 June 2022
  • New Liberton High School

    Pre-Planning Consultation A new Liberton Community Campus, which will replace the existing Liberton High School, is currently being developed on behalf of the City of Edinburgh Council. The following information responds to the Planning Regulation requirements for major planning applications; to engage in a minimum 12-week consultation period prior to formal submission of the planning application. This pre-planning consultation period will aim to share with the local community... More
    Closed 3 June 2022
  • Smokey Brae improvements - developed designs

    We would like to hear your views on our proposals to improve Smokey Brae. Smokey Brae is an important link between Leith and the historic village of Restalrig, to London Road, the new Meadowbank sports centre and the city centre. Between 2018 and 2020 we held public drop-in consultations and design workshops as part of the community-led Meadowbank masterplan. At these events you told us that Smokey Brae is a highly undesirable space for pedestrians, wheelers and cyclists. In... More
    Closed 16 May 2022
  • Low Traffic Neighbourhoods Proposals for Communities

    This page provides details of Council led public engagements currently being undertaken on the Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) projects in Edinburgh. It also provides links to the reports and documentation of public engagement previously undertaken on LTNs see the ‘Related’ section below. This includes the reports on the Autumn 2021 Corstorphine LTN placemaking engagment. There are no public engagements currently being undertaken. More
    Closed 30 April 2022
  • EIJB - Revised Scheme of Integration

    City of Edinburgh Council and NHS Lothian Integration Scheme Revision 2022 - Draft for Consultation City of Edinburgh Council and NHS Lothian are consulting on a general update to the Scheme of Integration - the document which outlines the governance, scope and operation of the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board. This consultation is being conducted to help further inform and finalise this revision of the scheme. You are invited to participate in the consultation, by... More
    Closed 26 April 2022
  • Cemetery Management Rules 2022

    The City of Edinburgh Council (the Council) shall introduce a set of Cemetery Management Rules made under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982. These draft Rules were approved for public inspection by the Culture and Communities Committee on 1 February 2022 . The Rules will regulate the behaviour of cemetery visitors, control of dogs and parking. The Rules will apply to all 43 Council owned and operated cemeteries, graveyards, churchyards and... More
    Closed 25 April 2022
  • Coatfield Lane and Giles Street

    In 2018, a planning application was lodged for the development of 32 new affordable homes at Coatfield Lane. Demolition of the old homes for the development at Coatfield Lane commenced in September 2020 and was completed April 2021. Due to significant archaeological interest an archaeology survey was required. The findings of the survey were submitted to the Planning service in June 2021. Taking into account the archaeological requirements and feedback received from... More
    Closed 18 April 2022
  • George Street and First New Town – Operational Plan

    We’re creating a welcoming, safe, better connected and sustainable space that will embrace and enhance the much-loved heritage of George Street, Castle Street, Frederick Street and Hanover Street. Our vision is to provide a great place that everyone can enjoy and benefit from, which supports our drive to be net zero carbon by 2030 and helps the city’s economic recovery. We are preparing an Operational Plan which will control how vehicles access George Street and the First New... More
    Closed 8 April 2022
  • Granton Waterfront Community Benefits

    We are currently reviewing our guidance in relation to the handling of community benefits delivered through the Granton Waterfront regeneration and development programme. We’d like to hear your feedback and comments in relation to the draft framework. The framework is designed to guide developers and contractors investing in the area on what is most important to the community in relation to social, environmental and economic benefits. About Granton Waterfront ... More
    Closed 16 March 2022
  • Provision of Free Period Products in the Community

    In 2020 The Period Product (Free Provision) Scotland Act was enacted making Scotland the first country in the world to make it mandatory for free period products to be made available to anyone who needs them. People will be able to collect period products in the majority of public buildings from November 2022. In Edinburgh free period products are already available in a number of venues including schools, community centres, libraries and can be ordered online. The City of Edinburgh... More
    Closed 28 February 2022
  • Edinburgh Cycle Hire Scheme User Survey 2022

    This survey will help us understand the experiences of users of Edinburgh Cycle Hire Scheme / Just Eat Bikes between September 2018 and September 2021. Completion of this survey will help us develop the way ahead for Edinburgh Cycle Hire Scheme. (Please respond using the survey so your opinions can be captured if you wish to send an email to the please use Cycle Hire Scheme in the title.) More
    Closed 27 February 2022
  • Granton Gasholder Park

    The City of Edinburgh Council would like to share the vision and proposals for the future of the Granton Gasholder and gather views on how the space should be developed. Image credit: Fabio Scalici Photography Project Overview The Council was successful in its bid to secure funding from the UK Government’s Levelling Up Fund to restore the Granton Gasholder. The proposals include the restoration of the B-listed gasholder frame and the creation of a publicly accessible... More
    Closed 27 February 2022
  • Housing Survey

    Edinburgh residents of all ages and living in all types of housing are invited to take part in a survey about accessible housing. The survey is part of a project the Council is doing to help us understand more about the need for accessible and adaptable homes now and in the future. Your feedback will help the Council to understand more about the number of households in Edinburgh who may need housing which is designed or adapted to meet health, disability and frailty... More
    Closed 4 February 2022
  • Granton Waterfront Learning Strategy Consultation

    About this survey This survey is being conducted by the City of Edinburgh Council in partnership with learning providers across North Edinburgh. We would like to invite people who live, study and work in North Edinburgh [Muirhouse, Wester Drylaw, West Pilton, Granton, Royston and Wardieburn] to complete this survey to tell us about what they want to learn, where learning could take place, why they learn, how they learn best and how their learning experience could be improved. This... More
    Closed 31 January 2022
  • Leith Chooses 2021-2022

    £eith Chooses is a process of democratic deliberation and decision-making in which local people choose how to spend a public budget. (participatory budgeting, or ‘PB’) If you live, work, study or volunteer in Leith please take time to consider the projects, and cast your votes here. Grants of up to £5,000 will be awarded from a total of £56,106 (£46,106 from Community Grants Fund, £5,000 from Port of Leith Housing Association, and £5,000 from... More
    Closed 31 January 2022
  • Edinburgh Slavery and Colonialism Legacy Review

    Building on long-standing efforts of City of Edinburgh Council, equalities-focussed organisations and individuals, and protests in support of the global Black Lives Matter movement, in July 2020 the Council’s Policy and Sustainability Committee agreed a set of actions to address historic racial injustice and stem modern day discrimination. Its report stated: “Committee recognises… that cities, including Edinburgh, should acknowledge and address their roles in perpetuating racism... More
    Closed 19 January 2022
  • Taxi and Private Hire Demand Survey 2021

    City of Edinburgh Council is undertaking a survey in Edinburgh to determine whether there are sufficient taxis in the city. This survey is also collecting views on whether the number of Private Hire Cars should be limited across the City. In addition your views are requested about your satisfaction with the current taxi and PH market. More
    Closed 7 January 2022
  • Merchiston and Greenhill Conservation Area Character Appraisal Revision

    The City of Edinburgh Council is seeking views on a revision of the Merchiston and Greenhill Conservation Area Character Appraisal . What is a Conservation Area Character Appraisal? Conservation areas are designated under the Planning Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas (Scotland) Act 1997. Conservation areas are areas which have special architectural or historic interest that are considered worthy of protection. Conservation area... More
    Closed 31 December 2021
  • City Plan 2030 - Proposed Plan's Period for Representation

    We have prepared Edinburgh’s proposed new local development plan called City Plan 2030. In time, it will replace the existing Local Development Plan that came into force in November 2016. City Plan sets out locations for new homes and businesses, where new infrastructure and facilities are required and how we will protect places of value. It provides policies which will be used to determine future planning applications. More
    Closed 21 December 2021
  • Proposed Extension to the Leith Conservation Area

    The City of Edinburgh Council is proposing an extension to the Leith Conservation Area to include properties located to the east and west of Leith Walk on Manderston Street and Jane Street. The buildings comprise the railway arches associated with the former Leith Walk West Goods Yard and the abutment of the former railway bridge over Leith Walk. Click map to expand. Conservation areas are designated under the Planning Listed Buildings and... More
    Closed 19 December 2021
  • Use of Public Open Space for Events and Filming

    We would like your views on how public open spaces in Edinburgh, that are controlled by the Council, are used for events and filming. Stakeholders, including event and filming organisers, community councils, resident groups, business groups, friends’ groups, Council officers and interested individuals, have collaboratively engaged to develop and recommended key principles for the use of public open space. This consultation is seeking your views on these recommended... More
    Closed 15 December 2021
  • Licensing Board – Consultation on Gambling Policy

    The Licensing Board is consulting on the terms of its Gambling Policy Statement. The policy statement forms the basis upon which the Board considers applications for premises licences for venues such as betting shops, bingo halls, casinos, gaming machines in entertainment centres and pubs, and a range of other matters. The policy does not cover matters which are the responsibility of the Gambling Commission and in addition the Licensing Board has a separate policy on alcohol... More
    Closed 15 December 2021
  • Reimagining Murrayburn, Hailesland and Dumbryden - People and Places

    The City of Edinburgh Council, working in collaboration with the design consultancy Atkins, are embarking on a public realm and greenspace improvement project across the Murrayburn, Hailesland and Dumbryden estates to support the regeneration of these neighbourhoods. The project endeavours to work with the local community to deliver a range of physical place-making improvements throughout the estates with a particular focus on community greenspace, public areas, car parking, active travel,... More
    Closed 12 December 2021
  • 2022/23 Council Housing Rent Consultation

    This year's rent consultation gives Council tenants an opportunity to provide feedback on the housing service, rent levels and future plans for the housing service in Edinburgh. The 2022/23 Council Housing Rent Consultation Information (PDF) below provides a summary about the way the housing service works and sets out our plans over the next few years. We hope that it will help you to answer the questions in this online survey. We're also sending a printed booklet to all tenants... More
    Closed 8 December 2021
533 results. Page 5 of 18