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529 results

  • Advertising boards and other temporary on-street advertising structures

    We are considering a city-wide ban on all temporary on-street advertising structures. We want to hear views, particularly from businesses, on such a ban. For example, you may have questions about what kind of advertising will be permitted if a ban is introduced, or concerns about how much time there will be to develop new or alternative signage. We would also like to know what the Council and our partners like Business Gateway can do to support you to grow and promote your business. ... More
    Opened 21 February 2018
  • Museum and Galleries Commercial Plan Survey

    A new Commercial Plan is currently being developed, which is designed to ensure that all possible revenue generating opportunities for Museums & Galleries Edinburgh are maximised. To help ensure that all bases are covered, we would greatly appreciate your input and suggestions. More
    Opened 2 March 2018
  • Council Homes Repairs Policy 2018

    The repairs policy for Council homes was last published in 2012. We have now updated the policy with some new and up to date information. The policy overall remains largely unchanged, but now includes some additional information about fire safety in high rise blocks and how to prevent blocked bin chutes. We have also updated the information in the useful numbers section to keep it up to date. We would like to find out if our tenants find the updates useful and easy to understand. If... More
    Opened 12 March 2018
  • Cycling and walking improvements in Davidson's Mains Park - Final Design

    Following on from the previous consultation, where we gave people the opportunity to express their views on the draft designs for cycling and walking improvements in Davidson's Mains Park, we are now in a position to show you our final designs. These designs will improve the width, surfacing and lighting of the path in Davidson's Mains Park which connects Queensferry Road with East Barnton Avenue. The upgraded path will form part of the QuietRoutes Network that is being implemented... More
    Opened 14 March 2018
  • Tram Route Cycle Safety Improvements

    This consultation gives people the opportunity to express their views about proposed designs for cycle safety improvements along the existing Edinburgh Tram route. More
    Opened 14 March 2018
  • Edinburgh Trams to Newhaven Public Consultation

    In late 2017, the City of Edinburgh Council approved the Outline Business Case for taking Edinburgh Trams to Newhaven. Since then we have spent time further developing our plans for delivering the line. We have now reached the point where we feel the plans as proposed are ready to go out to public consultation to allow you, as a member of our community, the opportunity to review those plans and provide feedback and suggestions. Taking trams to Leith will not divert any money away from... More
    Opened 19 March 2018
  • Castlebrae CHS Student Survey

    Castlebrae High School is moving! A brand new school is going to be built on Niddrie Mains Road, beside the East Neighbourhood Office/Craigmillar Library . We would like to find out how you currently travel to school and if that will change if you are still at Castlebrae when the new school opens (all current S1 to S3 students) . We hope that you will have an active journey to school - walking or cycling, and we would like to find out... More
    Opened 23 March 2018
  • School Crossing Patrol Review - Parents and Carers

    Our school crossing guides continue to deliver an excellent and highly valued service to communities across Edinburgh and we want to make sure this continues. We have already studied our existing patrol sites; how many people use them, traffic levels and where they are located. We are now getting feedback from school crossing patrol guides, people using the service and groups including parents and carers. More
    Opened 27 March 2018
  • School Crossing Patrol Review - Community Councils and Neighbourhood Partnerships

    Our school crossing guides continue to deliver an excellent and highly valued service to communities across Edinburgh and we want to make sure this continues. We have already studied our existing patrol sites; how many people use them, traffic levels and where they are located. We are now seeking feedback from school crossing patrol guides, people using the service and groups including Community Councils and Neighbourhood Partnerships. More
    Opened 27 March 2018
  • Draft Supplementary Guidance: Heat Opportunities Mapping

    The Council has prepared draft Supplementary Guidance on Heat Opportunities Mapping for consultation. The draft guidance sets out potential opportunities for establishing district heat networks within the context of the Local Development Plan. It is to be used in the assessment of the most suitable low carbon energy and heat solutions for new developments. What are district heat networks and what is heat mapping? Heat networks (including district heat networks) are a means of... More
    Opened 29 March 2018
  • Easter Craiglockhart Hill Local Nature Reserve Management Plan 2018-2027

    Easter Craiglockhart Hill Local Nature Reserve (LNR) is a prominent feature within Lothian. It provides immense habitat value for a range of different species. It is an important site for recreational activities and environmental studies. Management of such an area is guided by a site-specific plan. The previous plan for Easter Craiglockhart Hill LNR ended in 2016. A new plan for the period 2018-2027 has now been drafted and we would welcome your comments on it. There will also be a... More
    Opened 1 April 2018
  • Council Complaints Policy

    The Council's Complaints Policy has been drafted as a result of a corporate review of complaints management. The policy aims to complement the Council's complaints procedure which was implemented in 2013. The policy sets out the Council's approach to complaints management to ensure that all complaints are consistently and are properly processed. We would like to hear your views on the policy before it is finalised. Please take a few minutes to complete the short survey. ... More
    Opened 4 April 2018
  • Taxi Fare Review 2018

    The City of Edinburgh Council reviews taxi fares every 18 months and must consult on any proposals to change the taxi fare tariff. The suggested new taxi tariff includes an increase of 50p on the initial fare on all tariffs, and an additional increase of 6% on Tariffs 1 and 2. More
    Opened 6 April 2018
  • QuiteRoute61-Moredunvale Road to Little France Drive

    The high levels of traffic on Old Dalkeith Road at the Royal Infirmary crossing at peak times has been reported to the Council as a barrier to people trying to cross the road by bicycle and on foot. This section of the road is also too busy to meet the standards of the Council’s ‘QuietRoute’ cycle network, which uses Old Dalkeith Road for a short section. The footpath within the Hospital grounds is also a loose gravel surface and not accessible to all. The Council is developing a... More
    Opened 23 April 2018
  • Grants Review Workshop Evaluation

    We would be grateful if you could take five minutes to tell us about how you found the workshop today. More
    Opened 26 April 2018
  • Consultation on Proposal to relocate St Crispin’s Special School to a new building in the Burdiehouse Area

    It is proposed that St Crispin’s Special School be relocated to a new school site in Burdiehouse Crescent and that there is a a gradual shift in emphasis for St Crispin’s school in favour of upper primary and secondary school provision and the provision of enhanced accommodation for behaviour support working in conjunction with other special schools in Edinburgh. The full details of the proposals are available in the statutory consultation paper which you should read before... More
    Opened 3 May 2018
  • North West Locality Improvement Plan - Action Plan

    The North West Locality Improvement Plan - Action Plan has been created following previous engagement and consultation. The draft action plan is now available and we are looking for views in respect of the proposed actions and any other suggested actions that can help make a positive difference. More
    Opened 14 May 2018
  • Bruntsfield Primary School Parent Travel Survey 2018

    Bruntsfield Primary School would like to know what you think about your school journey. This survey will take about 5-10 minutes to complete. We ask that each family complete only one survey. Your responses will be kept confidential and neither your name nor your child’s name will be associated with any results. Many thanks for your help. More
    Opened 26 May 2018
  • South Morningside Primary School Parent Travel Survey 2018

    South Morningside Primary School would like to know what you think about your school journey. This survey will take about 5-10 minutes to complete. We ask that each family complete only one survey. Your responses will be kept confidential and neither your name nor your child’s name will be associated with any results. Many thanks for your help. More
    Opened 29 May 2018
  • Cycling and walking improvements in Roseburn Park - Short Term Trial

    This consultation gives people the opportunity to express their views about the current trial path changes and planters in Roseburn Park. These changes were implemented as part of a short-term trial aimed at increasing safety for all path users by: - moving cyclists away from blind corners, where conflicts and accidents are known to have occurred. - delineating areas for cyclists and pedestrians at junctions so there is reduced likelihood of collisions. The main path... More
    Opened 30 May 2018
  • New Opportunities for Carers

    The Carers Act (Scotland) 2016 came into force on 1st April 2018. To support the implementation of the act, funding has been made available for the next 5 years from the Scottish Government for carers and we need your help to tell us what services and support you need in your caring role – tell us how to spend the money! More
    Opened 1 June 2018
  • Grants Review Workshop 7 June Evaluation

    We would be grateful if you could take five minutes to tell us about how you found the workshop today. More
    Opened 7 June 2018
  • School Streets Phase 3 - Proposed Restriction of Vehicular Traffic (During School Travel Periods) for Leith, St. Mary's Leith and Gimerton Primary Schools

    The Council is seeking the views of stakeholders and the public on its School Streets proposal to introduce traffic restrictions at Gilmerton, Leith and St, Mary's (Leith) primary schools at the beginning and end of the school day. This follows on from the 18 month pilot scheme run at 9 primary schools introduced in 2015 and 2016. After evaluations of these schemes, the Transport and Environment Committee decided to make the existing schemes permanent and agreed updated selection... More
    Opened 7 June 2018
  • Gilmerton Dykes Street near to Gilmerton Dykes Crescent - pedestrian crossing improvements

    The Council proposes to introduce new pedestrian crossing improvements on Gilmerton Dykes Street near to Gilmerton Dykes Crescent (at access to the shops). A preliminary design has been developed for the scheme. More
    Opened 11 June 2018
  • Lanark Road West at Stewart Road - pedestrian crossing improvements

    The Council proposes to introduce new pedestrian crossing improvements on Lanark Road West at Stewart Road. A preliminary design has been developed for the scheme. More
    Opened 11 June 2018
  • South Gyle Broadway - new pedestrain crossing facilities

    The Council proposes to introduce new pedestrian crossing improvements on South Gyle Broadway, near to South Gyle Wynd. A preliminary design has been developed for the scheme. More
    Opened 11 June 2018
  • Learning Disability Strategy Consultation

    We want to hear you views on our outline learning disability strategic commissioning plan – the full plan and an easy read version can be found in the related section below. You will be able to tell us what you think until 17 September 2018. After that we will read all the things that people have told us. What you tell us will help make a full plan by the end of December 2018. More
    Opened 13 June 2018
  • London Street at Drummond Place

    London Street at it's junction with Drummond Place has been identified for pedestrian crossing improvements by the City of Edinburgh Council's Pedestrian Crossing Assessment process. This consultation aims to present two design options to the local residents in order to take forward the preferred option. More
    Opened 15 June 2018
  • Meadows to George Street: Streets for People - Mailing List

    You can sign up for project updates via the link below. We’ll then keep you informed of progress, and events where you can speak directly to the delivery team and offer your views. The Council is delivering this Community Links PLUS project in partnership with Sustrans and design consultants, AECOM. The information that you share with us will only be used by the Council and these partners to inform the development of this project. At the end of the project all records... More
    Opened 18 June 2018
  • Parking in Corstorphine

    Parking in Corstorphine The Council has received a number of representations from residents in your area. Those representations indicated concern at the parking situation in their street and asked the Council to look at introducing measures designed to address the highlighted parking issues. In 2017, the Council conducted a parking survey in the Corstorphine area. A link to a plan of the area covered can be found at the bottom of this page. The survey showed that Corstorphine... More
    Opened 19 June 2018
529 results. Page 7 of 18