563 results
Licensing Board Policy Consultation - Phase 2
The Edinburgh Licensing Board is now carrying out the second phase of consultation on its Statement of Licensing Policy, after taking account of the responses received to its first phase of consultation . Between September - December 2022, the Board consulted on its new Statement of Licensing Policy. The policy sets out in detail what the Board considers when carrying out its function as the licensing authority for the sale of alcohol in Edinburgh. MoreClosed 12 November 2023 -
A New Non-Denominational Secondary School in Kirkliston and associated Catchment Changes
We would like your views on the proposal that a new secondary school should be built on the Kirkliston Leisure centre site. The catchment area of the new school would be the same as that of the existing Kirkliston Primary School. The new school would open in August 2028 at the earliest. We asked people about this informally in June 2023. We now think this proposal should be progressed. This latest consultation is the formal statutory process... MoreClosed 31 October 2023 -
Proposal to build a new primary school in the Builyeon Road housing development
Significant new housing is proposed within the Queensferry area. The existing school infrastructure is not large enough to accommodate the pupil numbers expected going forward. Proposal A new non-denominational primary school and nursery is being proposed within the Builyeon Road housing development. This would involve the creation of a new catchment area. The full proposal details two options for the new catchment area. A shorter, summary paper is also available . ... MoreClosed 31 October 2023 -
Statutory Consultation Proposing a Replacement St Catherine's RC Primary School
We want to hear your views on plans to establish a new 11 class primary school and nursery on the South Neighbourhood Office site on Captain’s Road, replacing the existing St Catherine's Roman Catholic primary school. Investigations in the summer of 2018 considering how best to upgrade St Catherine’s RC primary school concluded that the building needed to be replaced rather than upgraded. Relocating a school means we have a legal obligation to carry out a statutory... MoreClosed 31 October 2023 -
Greenbank to Meadows
In 2020 and 2021, we made changes to the roads between Greenbank and the Meadows. This was in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to provide safer walking, wheeling and cycling. It included the Greenbank to Meadows Quiet Connection. We also closed Braid Road to vehicles in both directions between Hermitage Drive and Braid Hills Hotel. We re-opened it to southbound traffic in May 2021 and in November 2021 councillors agreed to reopen it to traffic in both directions. ... MoreClosed 22 October 2023 -
Leith Links Activity Hub
In summer 2022, we consulted on the masterplan for Leith Links . We received 789 responses about the masterplan with nearly 70% of people stating that they lived in Leith. Overall, 90% of respondents thought that the proposals detailed in the Masterplan were positive. We are now at the stage of taking forward development plans as outlined within the masterplan. This includes redesigning the disused bowling greens into an Activity Hub and transforming the pavilion into a... MoreClosed 21 October 2023 -
Towards West Edinburgh 2050
Towards West Edinburgh 2050 is our proposal on how the area to the west of the city should change over time. It is a ‘spatial strategy’ which covers the area of land stretching from the western edge of the city to the boundary with West Lothian, and from the Pentlands in the south to the Firth of Forth in the north. We have developed it in partnership with Scottish Enterprise, Scottish Futures Trust Transport Scotland. ... MoreClosed 10 October 2023 -
West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework and Strategic Masterplan
We are planning to create a new neighbourhood along the A8 corridor, next to Edinburgh Airport. This will have around 11,000 new homes alongside shops, schools, healthcare, leisure facilities and other things people will need. We will also make sure it is well connected, providing active travel links and public transport to the surrounding areas and the rest of the city. We consulted on the principle of development as part of City Plan 2030. We are now... MoreClosed 4 October 2023 -
West Edinburgh drop-in events and webinars
We need to manage and coordinate future investment and development in the West Edinburgh area to make sure that this growth is well coordinated and supported. The Council is currently consulting on the following proposals: Towards West Edinburgh 2050 West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework and Strategic Masterplan Broxburn to Maybury Public Transport and Active Travel Improvements To support this activity, we're holding a number of events and webinars in West... MoreClosed 4 October 2023 -
Licensing of Sexual Entertainment Venues - July 2023
In March 2022, the Regulatory Committee formally agreed to introduce a licensing scheme for Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs) in Edinburgh. This followed the introduction of new legislation which allowed local authorities to license such venues, and a public consultation exercise on the issue. Adoption of the powers to license Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs) does not imply approval of these premises by the Council. Following the consultation process the Council... MoreClosed 3 October 2023 -
Community Payback Consultation 2023
We want to hear your views on Community Payback Orders (CPO). These are given out by the Court to people to pay for their crimes as an alternative to a prison sentence. In particular, we want to know what you think about the unpaid work part of a CPO, which replaced community service in 2011. This is when an individual who has committed an offence does unpaid work within the community. Do you have any experience of people doing unpaid... MoreClosed 11 September 2023 -
Hunter's Hall Public Park - Common Good Consultation
Notice of Proposed Lease of Common Good Property: Area of Ground within Hunter’s Hall Public Park, Edinburgh Under section 104 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, the local authority is required to publish details of any proposed disposal or change of use in respect of property held as part of the Common Good register and invite representations from community councils, community bodies and any other persons. The City of Edinburgh Council is to... MoreClosed 10 September 2023 -
Broxburn to Maybury Public Transport and Active Travel Improvements
Working with West Lothian Council, we want to improve travel along the A8/A89 between Broxburn and Maybury. Our aim is to better connect communities with major employment, education, healthcare and leisure opportunities. To meet our net zero targets, we need to make it safer and easier for more people to make more journeys by bus or by walking, wheeling or cycling (known as active travel). This includes addressing: slow and unreliable bus journey times... MoreClosed 5 September 2023 -
Amplification of Sound in Public Spaces – Busking
We would like your views if you are an Edinburgh resident or business, and are directly affected by busking. By 'directly affected', we mean if you hear buskers from your home, place of work or business, or when you are going about your normal business. Edinburgh welcomes buskers and street entertainers who liven up our city and who follow the Council's advice to do so at a considerate volume, so passers-by can hear but nearby residents, businesses and workers are not unduly... MoreClosed 31 August 2023 -
Fields in Trust Protection Phase 2
Parks and green spaces are proven to help people stay physically and mentally well, build community spirit, help combat loneliness and are important for the planet. Following a public consultation at the end of 2022, an additional ten green spaces have now been protected by a Fields in Trust agreement taking the total number of sites across Edinburgh to 45. This second consultation covers a further ten sites which, if approved, will mean that the total number of Fields in... MoreClosed 23 August 2023 -
House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Best Practice Guide 2023
On 28 October 2021, the City of Edinburgh Council agreed a motion by Councillor Neil Ross on Raising HMO Standards. The motion relates to specific areas of HMO Licensing in the city. In particular, the motion referred to the following issues: The issue of application notices to residents; The issue of emergency contact details to residents: and The problem of fly-tipping and/or abuse of residential waste facilities by contractors employed by landlords or... MoreClosed 10 August 2023 -
New St Catherine’s RC Primary School
Due to the poor condition of St Catherine’s RC Primary School, capital investment was agreed back in 2019. Taking on board previous engagement and feasibility work undertaken in the area and the Council ‘whole place’ approach, we would like to explore ways in which the new school can support wider use, providing additional community benefit and value for the local area. At this stage in the process, we want to hear your views on the location of the new school and... MoreClosed 7 August 2023 -
Edinburgh Union Canal Strategy Refresh
The City of Edinburgh Council and Scottish Canals are working in partnership to update the Edinburgh Union Canal Strategy . Originally produced in 2011, we would like your views to help inform the updated strategy and guide the future development and vision for the place we wish the Union Canal to be. We have set out a few short questions in this survey to help inform this work but also welcome any other comments you may have about your experience of and aspirations for the... MoreClosed 17 July 2023 -
Linking Leith's Parks
The Edinburgh Nature Network was developed by the Thriving Green Spaces Team at the City of Edinburgh Council in partnership with the Scottish Wildlife Trust and the University of Edinburgh as part of the Thriving Green Spaces project . It is a plan to create well-connected, healthy, resilient habitats supporting Edinburgh’s wildlife and people. The pilot for our Nature Network is in Leith, which has the greatest demand for these actions. We have received... MoreClosed 12 July 2023 -
Actions to deliver Edinburgh’s City Mobility Plan
We approved the City Mobility Plan for Edinburgh in February 2021. Our vision is for people, goods and services to be able to move into and around Edinburgh in a way that is safe, sustainable, efficient and can benefit everyone. We have an ambitious 2030 target to lower the number of kilometres travelled by car in Edinburgh by 30%. Edinburgh also aims to achieve Net Zero by 2030. We understand that some people will still need to make certain journeys by car and for... MoreClosed 9 July 2023 -
Craigmillar and Niddrie - Living Well Locally
We want to hear your views on the High Street on Niddrie Mains Road as well as the local faciltiies and greenspaces in the local area. This project is linked to the City of Edinburgh Council’s 20-Minute Neighbourhood Strategy. The 20-minute neighbourhood approach is about places where everyone can access the facilities and services to meet most of their daily needs within a short walk, whee l* or cycle from their home. The project is supported by Sustrans’... MoreClosed 7 July 2023 -
Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) Granton Waterfront – Phase 1
The Council owns around 120 acres of developable land within the Granton Waterfront area, creating a unique opportunity to work with key partners and the local residents to deliver an exemplar regeneration. Insights gained from previous attempts to develop Granton Waterfront highlight the importance of a joined up approach. In February 2020 the Council approved a Development Framework which sets out the vision and key principles that will serve as... MoreClosed 4 July 2023 -
A New Kirkliston High School on the Kirkliston Leisure Centre Site
In January 2023, we asked people to give us their views on the future of secondary school provision in Queensferry and Kirkliston. People told us that there should be a new high school in Kirkliston. Some people said that we should redevelop the existing Kirkliston Leisure Centre site for a new high school. We have appointed an architect to write a report telling us whether a high school for up to 1,200 pupils could be built on the Kirkliston Leisure Centre site. This... MoreClosed 30 June 2023 -
Edinburgh Libraries - No Going Back
No Going Back (Edinburgh Libraries) has been funded and supported by the Scottish Government and Scottish Libraries and Information Council (SLiC) to work with young people aged 11 to 18 years. The project aims to help the library service, both school and community to better understand what young people feel will improve their experiences when using the service. Once completed, the service will review what has been suggested and will continue to work with young people to help make positive... MoreClosed 30 June 2023 -
New Greendykes Primary School
The Local Development Plan and Craigmillar Urban Design Framework confirm the proposal for a new primary school in Greendykes, in connection with new housing proposals. This project brings ex c iting opportunities to explore ways in which the new school can support wider use, providing additional community benefit and value for the local area . MoreClosed 30 June 2023 -
Conservation & Adaptation
Edinburgh has set an ambitious target for the city to be net zero by 2030. An important part of achieving this target is for all homes to be well-insulated and energy efficient. However, it is recognised that people living within conservation areas face additional and unique challenges to adapt their homes to make them more sustainable for the future. The current cost of living crisis is also contributing to these challenges by affecting many residents’ ability to afford essentials... MoreClosed 11 June 2023 -
New Trinity Academy
A new Trinity Academy, which will replace the existing school, is currently being developed on behalf of the City of Edinburgh Council. The following information responds to the Planning Regulation requirements for major planning applications; to engage in a minimum 12-week consultation period prior to formal submission of the planning application. This pre-planning consultation period will aim to share with the local community the progress on work carried out to date, the rationale... MoreClosed 9 June 2023 -
Stage 1: Seafield Regeneration Community Consultation
The proposed City Plan 2030 identifies the need for a Place Brief and a Masterplan for Seafield. This is to ensure that as proposals come forward in line with its designation as a location for new homes, there is a co-ordinated approach to creating a successful new neighbourhood. 7N Architects have been appointed by the City of Edinburgh Council to create this Place Brief and Masterplan and are working with City of Edinburgh Council and members of Seafield: Connecting... MoreClosed 8 June 2023 -
Essential users and carers parking permit consultation
Essential Users Permit (EUP) Holders If you’re an existing EUP holder we want to know your views on how the scheme currently operates and if you have any suggestions on how it could be improved. Carers Whether you’re a paid or unpaid carer we’re proposing to introduce two new parking permits. The two different types of permits being proposed are: Professional Carers Permit – intended for those employed by an organisation or agency and who make multiple... MoreClosed 30 April 2023 -
Portobello - Living Well Locally
We are seeking your views on the streets, public spaces and local facilities that exist in Portobello town centre and the local area. Do they look and function as well as you would like? This project is part of the City of Edinburgh Council’s 20-minute neighbourhood strategy which is looking to provide better access to local facilities and open spaces across the city. The 20-minute neighbourhood approach enables everyone to be able to access services and meet most... MoreClosed 14 April 2023
563 results.
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