166 results
Planning Guidance - Edinburgh Design Guidance
This guidance sets out the Council’s expectations for design quality in development. It is structured around two themes: Sustainable Places Liveable Places It aims to promote good place-making by: Providing guidance on how to comply with planning policies. Guiding the approach to the design of streets, spaces and buildings. Explaining key ideas that need to be considered. Giving examples of good quality design. MoreOpened 9 January 2025 -
Give us your views on our Planning Design Guidance
We are currently updating the following planning guidance documents. Edinburgh Design Guidance Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas Guidance Guidance for Householders Background In response to the National Planning Framework 4, City Plan 2030 and the City Mobility Plan, we have reviewed the guidance documents to make sure they align with the aims and outcomes of the plans. We have also updated the guidance to respond to the climate... MoreOpened 9 January 2025 -
Leith Connections: Hawthornvale to Seafield
Through our Leith Connections project, we are changing streets in Leith making it more comfortable for anyone walking, wheeling or cycling and creating new community spaces. The Local Development Plan (LDP) and City Plan 2030 have identified significant areas of new residential development in the Leith area. Related action programmes have been developed to look at what improvements are needed to existing infrastructure and what new infrastructure is needed to provide safe... MoreClosed 17 November 2024 -
Taxi Fare Review 2024 - proposed tariff
The City of Edinburgh Council reviews taxi fares every 18 months and must consult on any proposals to change the taxi fare tariff. The suggested new taxi tariff includes the following changes: increase of 9.5% across all tariffs (including the festive tariffs); and amend the airport pick-up and drop-off charges to allow up to £6, providing that this is no more than the actual amount charged . MoreClosed 1 November 2024 -
Short-Term Lets 2024
Since the introduction of a licensing scheme for short-term lets in October 2022, the Council has received over 4,000 applications. The Regulatory Committee agreed to review the short-term lets licensing policy in Edinburgh. As a result of the Civic Government Scotland Act 1982 (Licensing of Short Term Lets) Order 2022 being passed by the Scottish Parliament, local authorities in Scotland were required to introduce a mandatory licensing scheme for properties operating as... MoreClosed 14 October 2024 -
City Plan 2040 - Draft Participation Statement
This survey is asking you (or your organisation) on the best ways to keep you informed and to get you involved in City Plan 2040. Why Local Development Plans Matter We are at the very early stage of preparing City Plan 2040 which will be our next local development plan after City Plan 2030. A local development plan is an important planning document. It guides how Edinburgh changes and grows; and how we respond to key concerns such as providing... MoreClosed 31 August 2024 -
Taxi fare review 2024
The City of Edinburgh Council reviews taxi fares every 18 months and must consult on any proposals to change the taxi fare tariff. As part of this review, consultation is being undertaken with the taxi trade, public and stakeholders. This survey will take no more than five minutes to complete and we thank you for participating in our survey. This survey is only concerned with 'taxi' fares - these are the London style black cabs in Edinburgh - they can be hired by on street... MoreClosed 12 August 2024 -
Seafield Regeneration Stage 2 Engagement
The City of Edinburgh Council has identified Seafield as a potential site for housing-led redevelopment. The council have included the site in City Plan 2030 . The plan identifies the need for a masterplan to help unlock this potential. This is to ensure that there is a co-ordinated approach to creating a successful, sustainable new neighbourhood. The council appointed 7N Architects to create this masterplan. 7N have been working with the council and representatives of the local... MoreClosed 2 August 2024 -
Connecting Granton Waterfront
The regeneration of Granton Waterfront is a residential led, mixed use development that includes: 3,500 mixed tenure homes; a new primary school; a new health centre; retail and leisure opportunities, that will link with new and existing cultural facilities; and business space. These will be tied together with high quality public realm and green spaces connecting new and existing communities to the wider city and Edinburgh’s Waterfront through active and... MoreClosed 16 July 2024 -
Public Performance Scorecard
We are looking for your feedback on our Public Performance Scorecard . The Scorecard gives an overview of how we are performing and focuses on giving a picture of the day to day running of Council services and contains a range of indicators. These cover services that a large proportion of the residents of Edinburgh use or where there is a high level of public interest and is updated on a quarterly basis. This report is one way in which we are meeting our statutory reporting... MoreClosed 30 April 2024 -
Lindsay Road Bridge Regeneration
Lindsay Road Bridge is a much-loved landmark and important part of Leith’s local history. It provides a safe and convenient walking, wheeling and cycling route between North Fort Street and Newhaven. In 2021 community members painted the bridge in rainbow colours, leading to it being named locally as the ‘Rainbow’ or ‘Pride’ Bridge and has come to represent LBGTQ+ pride. In December 2021, the well-used bridge was closed due to health and safety concerns.... MoreClosed 4 April 2024 -
Roseburn to South Gyle walking, wheeling and cycling improvements (Quiet Route 9)
The Council is developing designs for improvements along the Roseburn to South Gyle route (Quiet Route 9), which extends west to east between South Gyle and Roseburn Park. The improvements will be in several phases; this first phase focuses on three sites (covering five junctions) in the Balgreen area - sites H, I and J. The improvements will provide significant value to the local community, benefitting people who live in or work in the area, as well as those... MoreClosed 27 March 2024 -
Dalry Primary Proposed School Zone to Reduce Vehicular Traffic at Start and End of School Day
The streets surrounding schools can be busy with traffic and difficult to navigate safely around the start and end of the school day. To help create a happier, safer and healthier street environment for everyone , we are introducing School Streets and Zones to temporarily reduce motor traffic in the street outside schools at key drop-off and pick-up times. School Streets and Zones offer a number of benefits for everyone, including: Increasing walking,... MoreClosed 15 January 2024 -
Street Trading and Market Operators
For many years the Council has controlled street trading and the operation of markets by requiring these activities to be licensed. A Street Trader’s Licence is needed to sell goods or services on the street - for example: selling tourist gifts on the Royal Mile ice cream vans pedicabs street food vans A Market Operator’s licence is needed to o perate a market where goods... MoreClosed 13 December 2023 -
City Plan 2040 - Mailing List
You can sign up for updates for City Plan 2040 via the link below. We’ll then keep you informed on progress and the opportunities to get involved in helping to prepare City Plan 2040. We are at the very early stage of preparing City Plan 2040 which will be our next local development plan after City Plan 2030. Edinburgh’s most recent Development Plan Scheme can give you further information. A local development plan is an important... MoreOpened 16 November 2023 -
A New Non-Denominational Secondary School in Kirkliston and associated Catchment Changes
We would like your views on the proposal that a new secondary school should be built on the Kirkliston Leisure centre site. The catchment area of the new school would be the same as that of the existing Kirkliston Primary School. The new school would open in August 2028 at the earliest. We asked people about this informally in June 2023. We now think this proposal should be progressed. This latest consultation is the formal statutory process... MoreClosed 31 October 2023 -
West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework and Strategic Masterplan
We are planning to create a new neighbourhood along the A8 corridor, next to Edinburgh Airport. This will have around 11,000 new homes alongside shops, schools, healthcare, leisure facilities and other things people will need. We will also make sure it is well connected, providing active travel links and public transport to the surrounding areas and the rest of the city. We consulted on the principle of development as part of City Plan 2030. We are now... MoreClosed 4 October 2023 -
Licensing of Sexual Entertainment Venues - July 2023
In March 2022, the Regulatory Committee formally agreed to introduce a licensing scheme for Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs) in Edinburgh. This followed the introduction of new legislation which allowed local authorities to license such venues, and a public consultation exercise on the issue. Adoption of the powers to license Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs) does not imply approval of these premises by the Council. Following the consultation process the Council... MoreClosed 3 October 2023 -
Broxburn to Maybury Public Transport and Active Travel Improvements
Working with West Lothian Council, we want to improve travel along the A8/A89 between Broxburn and Maybury. Our aim is to better connect communities with major employment, education, healthcare and leisure opportunities. To meet our net zero targets, we need to make it safer and easier for more people to make more journeys by bus or by walking, wheeling or cycling (known as active travel). This includes addressing: slow and unreliable bus journey times... MoreClosed 5 September 2023 -
House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Best Practice Guide 2023
On 28 October 2021, the City of Edinburgh Council agreed a motion by Councillor Neil Ross on Raising HMO Standards. The motion relates to specific areas of HMO Licensing in the city. In particular, the motion referred to the following issues: The issue of application notices to residents; The issue of emergency contact details to residents: and The problem of fly-tipping and/or abuse of residential waste facilities by contractors employed by landlords or... MoreClosed 10 August 2023 -
Edinburgh Union Canal Strategy Refresh
The City of Edinburgh Council and Scottish Canals are working in partnership to update the Edinburgh Union Canal Strategy . Originally produced in 2011, we would like your views to help inform the updated strategy and guide the future development and vision for the place we wish the Union Canal to be. We have set out a few short questions in this survey to help inform this work but also welcome any other comments you may have about your experience of and aspirations for the... MoreClosed 17 July 2023 -
Actions to deliver Edinburgh’s City Mobility Plan
We approved the City Mobility Plan for Edinburgh in February 2021. Our vision is for people, goods and services to be able to move into and around Edinburgh in a way that is safe, sustainable, efficient and can benefit everyone. We have an ambitious 2030 target to lower the number of kilometres travelled by car in Edinburgh by 30%. Edinburgh also aims to achieve Net Zero by 2030. We understand that some people will still need to make certain journeys by car and for... MoreClosed 9 July 2023 -
Craigmillar and Niddrie - Living Well Locally
We want to hear your views on the High Street on Niddrie Mains Road as well as the local faciltiies and greenspaces in the local area. This project is linked to the City of Edinburgh Council’s 20-Minute Neighbourhood Strategy. The 20-minute neighbourhood approach is about places where everyone can access the facilities and services to meet most of their daily needs within a short walk, whee l* or cycle from their home. The project is supported by Sustrans’... MoreClosed 7 July 2023 -
A New Kirkliston High School on the Kirkliston Leisure Centre Site
In January 2023, we asked people to give us their views on the future of secondary school provision in Queensferry and Kirkliston. People told us that there should be a new high school in Kirkliston. Some people said that we should redevelop the existing Kirkliston Leisure Centre site for a new high school. We have appointed an architect to write a report telling us whether a high school for up to 1,200 pupils could be built on the Kirkliston Leisure Centre site. This... MoreClosed 30 June 2023 -
Portobello - Living Well Locally
We are seeking your views on the streets, public spaces and local facilities that exist in Portobello town centre and the local area. Do they look and function as well as you would like? This project is part of the City of Edinburgh Council’s 20-minute neighbourhood strategy which is looking to provide better access to local facilities and open spaces across the city. The 20-minute neighbourhood approach enables everyone to be able to access services and meet most... MoreClosed 14 April 2023 -
Taxi Fare Review 2023 - proposed tariff
The City of Edinburgh Council reviews taxi fares every 18 months and must consult on any proposals to change the taxi fare tariff. The suggested new taxi tariff includes the following changes: an increase of 20% on Tariffs 1 and 2; and an increase of 15% on Tariffs 3 and 4. MoreClosed 5 April 2023 -
Women's Safety in Public Places - Phase Two
Following the Women’s Safety in Public Places Consultation that took place over the summer of 2022, we are now seeking the views of Edinburgh residents once again on your perceptions of safety and factors that make you feel safe or unsafe. This consultation is open to anyone who lives, works, studies, socialises or commutes to Edinburgh. We are doing this because we want to get your views on safety in public places during a different time of year and at least six months since... MoreClosed 26 March 2023 -
Meadowbank Development Pre-planning Engagement
Join us at one of our community engagement events to check out and provide feedback on the Meadowbank Development proposals . The City of Edinburgh Council, working in collaboration with the Edinburgh-Meadowbank (EDMB) Consortium, is embarking upon a transformational redevelopment project of the area surrounding the newly opened Meadowbank Sports Centre. The aim of the mixed-use development scheme, which has already been the subject of significant public consultation in partnership... MoreClosed 19 February 2023 -
Speed Limits Review: 20mph and Rural Roads
We are seeking your views on proposals to extend 20mph speed limits in Edinburgh and on introducing lower speed limits on our rural roads. The rural roads are mostly west of the city between Balerno and Queensferry. Edinburgh’s streets and rural roads are shared by many people and types of vehicle. We want to make our streets and rural roads safer and more pleasant for all, especially the most vulnerable users; those on foot, on bikes or, particularly on rural lanes, on horseback.... MoreClosed 8 February 2023 -
Taxi Fare Review 2023
The City of Edinburgh Council reviews taxi fares every 18 months and must consult on any proposals to change the taxi fare tariff. As part of this review consultation is being undertaken with the taxi trade, public and stakeholders. Consultation with the public is an important element of Jacobs' review of taxi fares. We want to hear from both users and non-users of taxis in Edinburgh to understand your views about taxi fares. This survey will take no more than 5 minutes... MoreClosed 19 January 2023
166 results.
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